Theres No Escaping The Dark

Start from the beginning

"Now if I catch you smoking again in our out of school-" he began to warn.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I'll take it down a notch with the cigarettes." I said, making him raise an eyebrow at me.

"Hey! Baby steps okay?" He cracked a laugh at this, then looked at me intently.

"I expect to see a change in you, young lady. I promised your father I woudin't let you go off the rails, and I don't plan on breaking my word anytime soon or see you go down the wrong path. If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to come by my office." He said sternly, though his eyes showed nothing but care.

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat at the mention of my father and him.

Without another word, I exited his office. They were still sitting on the floor. Violet was on her phone, Jack was drawing on his notebook and Tyler was making circles with his thumb on the floor. I sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder.

"Im sorry for being so rude earlier." I murmured to him.

He sighed and put his arm around me.
"Its okay J, at least you didint kill anybody."

I laughed softly and snuggled closer to him.

Principal Decker stood in the doorway.

"The four of you should be lucky that im letting you go with a warning. You may be excused." He said and left.

We all sighed. Violet and Jack got up.

"My mom's super pissed. I better get going. Bye Ty, nice getting in trouble with you J." Violet said as she stood up and walked away.

"Pleasure was all mine!" I shouted at her. "F u!" Was her answer before she dissapeard up the stairs.

"I better get going too, I have to pick up my sister Katie from daycare. See you." Jack said and quickly left.

The hallways were empty, everyone in their classes. I was free since thrid period and surprisingly there was no substitute.

Im not complaining obviously.

"Do you have class?" I asked Ty.
"Nah, im alredy out." He answered.

I closed my eyes to rest a bit and stayed like that while Tyler played with my hair. I was nearly out when Tyler murmured my name.

"Huh?" I asked, raising my head slightly.

"I asked if you were asleep." he said softly.

"No I wasen't. I am tired though." I answered grogily.

"You should go home and sleep J, you look exhausted." Tyler told me, still playing with my hair.

I was about to answer when something down the hall caught my eye. There, beside a boy who was leaning against the wall on his phone, was the shadow of a person. It was the same one from my dream all those nights ago, like the shadows that attached me. Was I seeing things? I rubbed my eyes, but it was still there. The black smoky figure appeared to be looking straight at me. I could hear it growling at me, whispering my name ever so softly. It made the hair on my arms rise.

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