Seventy-Nine - Octavia

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I'm back! Kinda. I wrote a few parts so the ones that are done, I'll publish. This is the first! Sorry to keep you waiting.

I had been on a streak of visiting David and the vlog squad every day. Colby came sometimes but not every single day. He tended to go with Sam to film. I had actually drunk a bit more than usual lately, too. I guess it's because I was with Zane and friends. 

Speaking of Zane, it was night time and he was drunk as fuck. It was funny to watch him being a dickhead. I set down my drink to help everyone move him to a different room. The roommates, who were also there - Sam, Colby, Jake, Aaron, Corey, and Devyn - just watched from a distance. Zane straight smacked David, who dropped his camera. 

I picked it up. "You good man?" I offered my hand to him.

"Yeah," he took my camera, stepping back.

"Zane you need to chill the fuck out," I warned. We almost got him up but he whipped out his hand, hitting me right on the nose. "FUCK!" I yelled, staggering backward. I caught myself and held my nose, which started bleeding. Colby came to my side in seconds. He looked at Zane with such a pissed off look. "Colby, no," I warned when he was about to walk to the drunk man on the floor. 

I walked away, still holding my nose. "Fuck! Zane! Sober the fuck up or I'll punch the shit out of you," I exclaimed. 

"Are you OK?" Devyn asked. I nodded. 

"That doesn't look OK, Octavia," Colby said. 

"Well, I'm fine," I made my way to the bathroom. David followed along with Colby. "Just need to wipe up the blood. Need a thumbnail, David?"

"Noooo..." I moved my hand from my nose, showing the blood. "Thank you," then he walked away.

"Octavia..." Colby started.

"I'm fine," I interrupted. I wiped the blood and washed up my nose. "See? Fine,"

"Octavia, honey, are you OK?" Heath asked in his weird voice. I laughed as I nodded. Heath left. Colby stepped right up to me. Our bodies were touching. 

"Don't go near Zane this time," Colby said.

"But I wanna beat the shit out of him," I whined. Colby smiled.

"So do I but you stopped me so I'm stopping you,"

"Ugh, stop being responsible," I looked up at his face.

"Well, I don't want you getting hurt, baby," he looked down at me. I smiled. So did he. We kissed for a while actually. Maybe a few minutes. His hand rested on my jaw with the other on my waist and my hands rested on his hips. "Come on, now," he grabbed my hand, pulling me out to everyone else. 

"Octavia! I'm so sorry!" Zane had somehow sobered up.

"It's OK," Colby tightened his jaw. "Just be careful WHO you slap next time. I was gonna beat the shit out of you," I playfully threatened.

"I really am sorry," Zane glanced nervously as Colby before walking away.

"Stop glaring," I whispered.

"What?" Colby asked.

"Stop glaring,"

"I'm not glaring,"

"Yes, you are,"

"No, I'm not,"

"Stop it,"

"Stop what?" I lightly punched him on the arm, making him smile. "Sorry,"

"I thought you weren't doing anything," now he playfully glared at me. 

"Do you wanna go home?"

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