Thirty-Eight - Colby

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I'm not gonna stick with the real-life timeline.

I woke up the next day with Octavia by my side. She had a hand resting on my chest and a head leaning on my shoulder. My legs also felt strangely trapped. I peeked under the covers to see Octavia's legs tangled with mine. I could feel her breathing on my collar bone. She was peaceful like she always was when she slept.

About half an hour later, Octavia started to shuffle. Her eyes fluttered open but she didn't look awake for a second. When she saw me, she sat up immediately, leaning against the wall. "Sorry," she mumbled.

"What for?" I asked. Our eyes met for what felt like forever. She said she'd stay here for a few days while she was healing so I was making the most of it. The door opened, making both of our heads turn to see the intruder. 

"Hey," Sam said.

"Hi," Octavia said. 

"So, I have a question for both of you," he said. We nodded. "Since you should be a lot better in a few days, I was wondering if you wanted to come to queen mary with the whole house? Minus Devyn" Sam was only looking at Octavia. I knew I didn't have a choice anyway. 

"Yeah, I'd love to!" she exclaimed. "Sleeping or what?"

"Overnight," I said. Octavia looked at me then back to Sam.

"100% down!" she exclaimed.

"Cool, see you around," Sam closed the door. 

"I'm just gonna get ready, bear with me," she said as she left quickly. Faster than I'd expect considering her injury.


"Surprise!" Octavia yelled. We had gone to David's house since she hadn't seen him and the vlog squad for forever.

"Octavia!" David exclaimed. He was pointing the camera at her, as David did. "Colby, too! Are you back together?" he asked. I rolled my eyes.

"No, but we're friends again," I said.

"Well, come in!" David stepped aside. We walked into the huge house he owned. 

"Wow! Massive upgrade, bro, congrats!" Octavia exclaimed. 

"Is that crazy Octavy I hear?" Zane yelled. He ran around the corner and gasped. "It is! How are you, girl?" he rushed over to her. They hugged along with Liza, Jason, and Josh, who were all here.

"Well, mostly good but..." she lifted her shirt to reveal the stitches. The guy's faces changed dramatically.

"What happened?!" Josh asked.

"I thought I'd tell David's vlog the story," she said. They nodded and we all sat in the living room. David set up the camera so that it could see everyone. 

"Wait, are you two back together?" Liza asked, excited.


"We're just friends,"

"Oh," Liza looked down.

"It's OK, I made that mistake, too," David comforted her. 

"OK, so here's the story. I went to, I think it was Taco Bell? With Colby and the roommates and as we were walking out to the cars, this guy puts his hand over my mouth and I feel something sharp on my back," she explains. I can't help but just stare at her face.

"Where were the guys?" Jason asked, clearly paying attention. 

"They were ahead of me, I was dawdling because I love night time," she explained quickly. "Anyways he tells me not to scream or I'll get hurt so I, being the rational human being nodded,"

"I thought you would've stabbed him or something," Josh commented. Octavia smiled.

"Wait for the next thing," I said. They all looked at me momentarily. 

"Then, I have turned around. I may or may not have grabbed my dagger, yelled for Colby, and sliced open his arm," she smiled sheepishly. "Obviously, he retaliated by stabbing me in the stomach, hence the stitches,"

"But you would have had weapons on you so wouldn't you get in trouble at the hospital?" Liza asked. 

"That's where smart Colby comes in, you see, he took me to my 'group' for treatment, which I got. One of my members, I mean, one of my friends has medical training," she smiled. "Cut that slip up out," she said. 

"Well done, Colbs," David teased, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"What about the guy?" Jason asked. 

"Elton and Corey ran after him and knocked him out then took him to the 'group', too," I explained. "Turns out he was part of another 'group',"

"Wow, is that an exclusive story?" David asked. We both nodded. "Well, thanks for giving me the privilege!"

"No problem!" Octavia exclaimed.

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