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Ryan's POV

It was raining outside as I watched through the window. One of my maids had brought me a cup of coffee awhile back. It wasn't raining hard, but enough to stop people from working and to find shade to save themselves from getting wet.

"Mr. Martinez, Mr. Evan is here to see you. Shall I send him in?" I nodded to show him my permission. I had a few people in my staff who took care of household work and attend guests here. I had changed my office and bought this place five minutes away from the mansion I had before. This was my workplace now and I never took any work home with me.

"Hey Ryan!!! It's been so long since I met you." Evan said as he entered the room and sat on the guest seat. I shrugged. I had been like this for God knows how long. It was making people around me crazy.

"Dude...stop brooding and get your shit together. C'mon we're going." He said as he opened the door and pointed outside for me to leave. I was about to protest but his glare shut me up. He was still the best friend but when he wanted to do something, you couldn't say no if he was right. So I obliged even though I was the boss. We both walked out while the housekeeper and maids bowed in respect. Evan acknowledged them but I was in my own world.

He started driving like a mad man. In normal conditions, I would've beaten the shit out of him but right now, I didn't care. He continued glancing at me the whole ride, and then stopped.

"I'm done with your brooding. Everyone is done with your brooding. We're here. Behave. Okay?" I rolled my eyes and exited the car. The rain had stopped some time ago. He cursed like a petulant child and followed me. We both crossed the path that had small flowers grown on the side with pebbles. It was a small cottage, but beautiful and unique. The lawn on the left had a tree with swings attached to one of it's branch. Birds chirping was normal here and it was very peaceful.

Evan knocked on the door. We had asked for the owner to get a doorbell but he wanted this place to be 'Modern Noise and Shit-Free Zone'. The man is total dramatic.

"Oh Evan!!! Ryan!!! Come in my boys."

"How many times do I have to tell you to not call us 'boys' Anthony?" Evan muttered to which Anthony chuckled.

"More than I can count. Does it look like I listen to you? Don't answer that question. It was rhetorical." He was way too happy when he said the last part. I groaned and sat on the barstool of his kitchen. Evan sat beside me and started chewing on a sandwich which was placed on the other side of the table.

"That's mine kid." My dad shouted at him as he entered with my mom trailing behind. She came up to me and kissed my cheek before kissing Evan on his cheek who was busy stuffing his face with the cheese.

"Nope. Not anymore old man." He said with his mouthful and earned a glare from my mother.

"Keep your mouth closed while eating Ev." She said and started making coffee for all of us. My dad looked at me and gave me a sympathetic look. I avoided eye contact with him and concentrated on the table. Anthony saw my father giving me looks and walked up to the fridge, pulling out a beer can and passed me one. I thanked him and opened it, taking a big gulp.

"How's it going with you and Avery?" Mom asked as she glanced at me and then at Evan. This time he chewed properly before answering.

"She's great. Taking care of kids at home. She's good at it. Way better than me. I mean it's a nightmare handling those spawns of Satan. They cry too much at night. Can't you see the dark circles under my eyes?" He pointed under his eyes dramatically.

He was obviously lying. He was a great father and took care of his kids like a pro. Even his business had become secondary when his kids were born.

He had found this girl in a club. Avery was crying and when he asked why, she poured her heart out to him. She was frustrated with her life. Her father was drunk and abusive and mother dead. She was there to spend her last moment freely and was going to commit suicide the same night. As soon as Evan had seen her, before he even knew her story, he had gotten attracted to her. So, he brought her to the mansion and asked for my permission to keep her with our gang. I had told him that she was his responsibility and if she turned out to be a spy, she'll die. Evan agreed and after trying to impress her and bring her true self out, she said yes to dating him and after two years, they got married. It had been five years of their marriage and now they had babies aged one and three. Both a pain in my ass, but cute nonetheless.

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