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Ryan's POV

"You fucking lunatic!!! Go get checked by a psychiatrist. You really need that you-" Evan continued cursing but stopped when Laura knelt down in front of me. I knew my eyes had gone wide just like Evan's. Her smirk broadened into a full evil grin as she looked at me.

I still regretted my decision of dating her. But I was young, way to young to understand how she was taking advantage of my money and popularity just because her father ordered her to. It was Evan who had gone behind my back to prove what a pawn she was. I was never one to believe without proof but when he got me photos of her with different men and kissing and making out with them in any secluded corner, I thought to confront her. And guess what... She accepted her mistake and said that she was proud of what she was doing with me. That was the last talk we had and that was years ago. And here she was kneeling down-

"NOOOO!!!" It was Evan who brought me out of my thoughts and before I could comprehend why he screamed in fear, Laura started touching me intimately. I groaned loudly in frustration as my body immediately started to respond to her. I was feeling sensation I shouldn't feel and was completely under her mercy.

Evan started struggling with his chains while I continued thrashing to get her away from me as far as possible but it was not in my hands. My hands were tied...literally.

I have no idea how long she continued assualting me but suddenly we heard the front door breaking along with the windows of the balcony that was seen from the living room where we were. All of a sudden, firing started in the middle of the room and Laura leapt on her feet, taking her gun out at the same time from her sheen. Evan continued screaming like a mad man around me and all the dust from the things that were being broken around us were no help for us to see who were shooting at who. Evan and I tried to shield ourselves as best as we could with our hands tied but I don't think we were doing a great job with that. We heard yelling and groaning of men around us and a high pitched scream that definitely belonged to Laura.

After all the commotion ended and dust settled, Evan and I felt hands near our chains and we jerked but soon relaxed when we saw Zach standing in front of us while the two men freed us. They were not present here with Laura so I knew they were our men. But I had never seen them in my gang so I got confused. When we got unchained, Zach gave us our clothes that were thrown in the corner by the enemies. We covered ourselves and wore them fast. Till now I was just focussing on these three but suddenly I heard a hiss and looked behind Zach to see...


"Lily? What are you doing here? You could have been-" I gasped and stumbled back, eyes wide in shock, when she set her eyes on me. They were almost black and colder than ice. I heard Evan gasp too. I guess he saw that too. She wasn't the Lily I fell in love with, who smiled almost all the time. She had become someone else. She had lost a few pounds and her eyes had dark circles and were red rimmed. Her hair were messier but a little bit longer and weren't tied back. She wore pajama shorts with a simple top and I bet it was one of her night dresses. That also meant she came here as soon as she got the news about us. But how did she get informed about our whereabouts and that we were in danger??!!

She averted her gaze from mine and shot another men who was trying to slip out from her vision. She didn't even flinch. This was the first time I was seeing her shoot after that day when she shot one of Adam's men in our warehouse and now she looked even more merciless. Her eyes were focussing on Laura and I gulped.

I was praying to God she didn't know about my past with her. I was ashamed of how Laura had me as her puppet and I was clueless about it.

"Why?" She said to Laura and she looked at him with a coy smile. Lily was blankly staring at her but everyone in this room knew she was not someone to piss off at the moment.

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