Bonus Chapter ( II.)

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Ryan's POV

"You two are late." Evan said as soon as we met him in the living room. I smirked at him while Lily turned her head in his direction, ready to say something before she got stopped.

"I don't even want to know. But...we'll discuss it later." Evan said making me glare at him while Lily just shook her head with a small smile on her face. Evan looked proud when he saw her actions. His eyes found mine, and I smiled back at his grin. He too wanted her to open up to us again and let us help her, and him seeing her smile like that was a huge deal for him. I could almost see his heart eyes before he cleared his throat, trying not creep her out with his happiness.

He led the way to the meeting room as I slipped my hand around Lily's waist and pulled her close. She patted my chest before giving my cheek a kiss. We stopped in front of the doors before they were pushed open by Evan, announcing our arrival.

"Apologies for the delay. I had a few things to catch up with before bringing them here." Evan said while I walked past him and went in the direction of our guest of the day.

"Long time no see Fratello." I hugged him.

"All because you didn't have time for me Amico Mio."

He replied making me smile. I pulled back to see his face which had now gotten a hard look and a few more scars. His eyes though...had the same look...of loyalty and familiarity.

He definitely was my Fratello, not by blood, but still a brother.

"Are you going to let me meet la Donna?"

His eyes looked warmer at the mention of her which made me smile. When Lily was in hospital, he had come to see her and something in him had led him to have a soft spot for her. He later told me that he had felt how good she was for me and all the people of my family when he saw us interact with her sleeping form. He had said that we had changed for good and that she must be a wonderful soul if she was able to change a ruthless mafia family like mine into mother hens.

I turned around and saw Lily standing at a distance, giving us space. I motioned her to come closer with my hand outstretched to hold hers. She made her way to us with a grace of a fierce leader making me hold my chin higher in pride.

She was starting to come back to her brave self...

She reached out her hand for a shake.

"My name is-"

"Lily. I know. Not being rude. You have a very beautiful name that doesn't suit your aura right now." Lily's brows furrowed a little before her face went blank. Lorenzo took her hand in his and gave a firm shake, mischief dancing in his eyes that would be hard to see if one didn't know him personally.

"I'm Lorenzo. And to explain myself don't trust me although you're showing an open and friendly behaviour like a flower who lures the bees and butterflies in, but will not get plucked from the ground without resistance...thus your name not matching your aura." He said as he retreated his hand back after shaking with hers and tried not smirk.

I knew him well. He was keeping a stone face but his eyes betrayed him.

"Observant are we? But in our line of work, this much observance can get you killed." Lily backfired with a gleam of defiance in her eyes. I turned back to see Lorenzo's reaction.

"And the gleam in your eyes also gives me the impression that you're impressed. Correct me if I'm wrong...or don't. I know the truth." He was definitely enjoying this conversation.

Lily stepped closer to him and tilted her head up since he was the same height as me. Her hair waved down her back as she put her hands behind her back.

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