"Oh, my God, is that the thing that's keeping you alive?" Pepper asked as she walked closer to inspect it and now Jade knew that it was only Tony who needed the thing. "It was. It is now an antique."

After that jade didn't understand that much of what they said, but when Pepper started to reach her hand inside of the hole left by the device, Jade became slightly nervous. She made a whining noise which made Pepper become even more nervous and her hand touched the wall. Jade guessed that meant something bad since the screen behind Pepper turned red for a few seconds and Tony jumped a little as if he had been chocked.

Pepper then proceeded to pull out some kind of metal wire and pulled out a ring of metal attached to it, despite Tony's warning.

When it started beeping alarmingly from the screen and Tony became slightly panicked Jade also started to panic. Stop it. You should not care for humans. They only bring death with them. Jade scolded herself, knowing it was a bad idea to let her dog instincts take over for just a second. She could not be attached to these humans when she escaped from this place.

When Pepper started to help putting the newer device in the hole she stopped to assure Tony that everything would be alright. Jade could not understand why she would do that instead of just hurrying up so she gave a gentle push to Pepper's legs and she got her signal to hurry up.

When Pepper had got the cable attached Tony assured her she did alright, but Pepper started to protest that she never wanted to do anything like that again and Jade could actually understand why.

"I don't have anyone but you." Said Tony in response with half a smile and for some odd reason Jade actually felt left out, so she let out a small bark to get their attention. "And of course I have Lola now too."

When Tony stood up again Pepper picked up the old device he once had in his chest she asked if he didn't want to keep it. Tony only responded that he wasn't nostalgic. The thing that intrigued Jade was that when they said goodbye they call each other by their last names, only they didn't have the same last name. That made Jade start to question if they really were a couple or if Pepper maybe worked for Tony.

When Tony walked over to a table Jade followed him and if she were human she would have laughed since he had named some kind of robot arm Butterfingers. When he said that he wanted the robot to throw away a photo of him and his dad Jade felt a sting in her chest. She would do anything in the world to have a photograph of her parents and her younger brothers instead of just having the memory of them.

When Tony looked down at her she looked up to make eye contact, but his eyes soon shifted down to her collar instead. "Let's see what we can do about that," he said and proceeded to take it off and she shook her body to get rid of the feeling the collar left behind.

Jade walked over to look at one of the cars that stood in the workshop and even if she didn't know anything about cars she knew that it was pretty expensive considering how to rest of the house looked like. After walking around a few times in the workshop she saw Tony stand up from his seat and walk over to the door with her collar in hand. When he held his hand toward the door it was easily pushed open instead of being locked and Tony let out a sound of satisfaction when he saw that it worked.

When he walked over to Jade she took a step back from him when he came close, but then she remembered that he probably only wanted to put the collar back on again and stayed still when he kneeled down in front of her. After he was done with the collar he looked into her eyes and patted her head while having a slight smile on his face.

"I guess I'll never be lonely with you around now, huh?" Jade knew she had to play along so she closed her eyes and leaned into his hand, but she was surprised to find herself enjoying his touch.

She opened her eyes again when she felt his hand leaving her head and that's when she felt how tired she actually was. Even though her healing abilities had taken away most of the medicine she had received some of it was still left that made her tired and a little slow in her movements.

She walked towards the door and her collar made it unlock so that she could push it open. When she walked up the stairs she decided to continue up the next staircase to see if she could find something more comfortable than the couch that she could sleep in. 

When she came into a hallway she opened each door to look for the most comfortable bed and when she looked inside the room at the end of the hallway she decided that it would be enough. The room had a nice view of the ocean and when she laid down in the bed she knew that she had made the right choice.

For a few minutes, she just laid there, listening to Tony work in the basement. Soon enough she felt herself becoming relaxed and her eyes becoming heavy. Within a minute she had fallen asleep without thinking that she might wake up to having to run for her life again.


That was the third chapter, what did you think? 

I have a great time writing this and making 'research' so I hope that you enjoy it at least a little bit 😁

[1] Lions Inside | Tony StarkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora