Chapter 21

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Aries POV
I stopped by the toy shop on my way back home. Stepping in, I smiled as I spotted a Batman figurine. Walking closer to it, I examined it closely before grabbing one. As I made my way towards the counter to pay for it, something at the corner caught my attention. A stuff toy bear. I looked at the figurine in my hand, then glanced back at the stuff toy. Putting back the figurine, I grabbed the stuff toy instead.

After making my payment for the toy, I quick made my way back home, I was planning on stopping by Luna's house before heading back home. When I reached Luna's house, I was greeted by the sight of police tape all over the front gate. Right, the incident. My heart throbbed, clenching my fist tightly to endure the pain, I walked towards a police officer before asking, "where's Luna?"

The police officer looked at me with pitiful eyes, then informed me that Luna was staying at greenvile hospital from now on as they'll have to monitor her actions. "When will she come back?" I asked, hoping she'll be back soon. The officer shrugged before patting my shoulder and proceeding to carry out his duties. Slouching in disappointment, i was about to head home when a thought struck me, let's go visit Luna.

I walked briskly towards the hospital Luna was said to be in, gasping for air as my heart started to clench and race. Grabbing my pills from my bag, I quickly swallowed a pill and took a huge swing of water to ease the pain. The pain finally subsided into a dull throb. I wiped the sweat on my forehead with the sleeve of my uniform, clutching the bag with the toy in it tightly, I asked the counter which room Luna was and headed to the said room.

Luna POV
"Miss, is it alright if you could give me some pain killers, I've got a really bad headache." I asked, gripping the side of my head in pain. The nurse nodded before rushing out of the room. The room was dull. It was just plain white with a bed and a small bed stand with drawers to put my things in. There wasn't even a window.

The nurse came back with a small bottle of pills and she passed it to me, a worried look on her face. "Remember that you can always call the doctor or a nurse by pressing the bell button," she reminded. I nodded my head and thanked her before she left.

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