Chapter 17

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Aries POV
I turned to face Luna, still confused with why she made me listen to the song. I was confused and surprised when I saw tears rolling down her face. "Luna?" I whispered as I pulled the ear piece out of her ear, snapping her back into reality. She sniffled before getting up on her legs.

"Come, follow me." She muttered, offering her hand to me. I grabbed her hand, picking up both our bags, I followed her.

We ended up climbing a few flights of stairs, leaving me breathless once we reached the rooftop. I was trying to catch my breath when Luna let go of my hand and began climbing up a few crates that were stacked near the edge. "Luna no!" My eyes widened with terror. She whirled back before beaming a smile at me.

"No what?"

"Get down please." Luna ignored the comment squatting down.

"Take my hands now, you are the cause of my euphoria." She grinned as she offered me her hand. Smiling at the BTS reference, I place Luna and my bags down. I looked at the crates, and at Luna, who had sat down cross legged on the crates, I slowly climbed up the crates to join her. The wood creaked in protest before quietening once I've settled. She was right, you could see the whole neighbourhood, it wasn't much, but it was still beautiful.

I peered over the edge and immediately regretted my decision. We were at least twelve levels high, should any of us make a careless move, we could end up dead. Suddenly, Luna stood up, the crates groaned, my heart started racing and I started gasping for air. "Oh my, what did you do that for?" I glared at her. She shrugged before raising her arms like the rio de janeiro statue. She smilies widely and I glanced at her arms, cuts and bruises ran down her arms. She turned around, the wind blowing in her hair.

"Aries." I hummed in response. "I'm flying." She laughed and I smiled, her laughter was like music to my ears, my heart was racing again. I felt my cheeks heat up when she looked back at me, flashing her wide smile.

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