Chapter 20

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Luna POV
I wasn't thrown behind bars. The cops informed that I was not old enough to be place behind bars, I'll however be sent to a hospital for management and monitoring. Oh did I mention I was expelled from school? I still haven't seen Aries since the incident, I think he's still being questioned even though he hasn't done anything wrong.

The cops drove back to my home, which now had police tape all over the front gate and had attracted a small crowd. One of the cops followed me into the house so I could pack a few clothes before driving me to the hospital, that I'll be staying in from now on.

Aries POV
I stared blankly at my ceiling. Did Luna really murder him? Why? But she isn't the kind of person. A million questions raced through my mind. Luna, Luna, luna. I felt my face heat, why was I thinking about her all the time? I turned over, a picture of Luna's smile flashed in my mind, making me smile like an idiot. Oh no.

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