Chapter 4

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I walked back to the canteen and saw Luna still at the same table. She was scrolling through her phone. She looked up at me before saying, "quick. The next class will start in 10 minutes." I nodded before wolfing down my food, shoving mouthfuls of food into my mouth as fast as possible. We quickly returned our trays before running towards our classroom. Thank god we made it, there was only 1 minute left.

Let's fast forward a little. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to read about chemistry or physics.

The next bell rang, indicating that school was over. Finally school was over. Most of the students in class ran out of class, as though they were prisoners who were just released from jail. But school is kind of like jail isn't it? Soon, only Luna and I were left in class. Luna was packing her bag slowly so I decided to head to my locker first.

I quickly gathered my belongings and headed to the aisle of lockers. The corridor was nearly empty by now. I opened my locker before shoving all my textbooks into it. I turned was about to walk back to class. I walked a few steps before a voice stopped me. "Oi you!" A voice echoed down the corridor. I turned to my left and saw a figure approaching me. I Guess He was referring to me since there's no one else at where I was except for the person and I.

"Pay up." The boy said once he reached to where I was. Wait. Pay up?

"I don't know who you are, and I'm pretty sure I don't own anyone money."

The boy shoved me against the locker and gripped my collar tightly. "You hit me just now didn't you? I'll let you go only if you pay up. Don't make this ugly." He warned.

Then it hit me. He was the one I accidentally ran into when I was running to get my medication.

"Look. I'm sorry I accidentally hit you just now. I was in a rush."

The boy let out a short laugh. And glared at me. "I said PAY UP!" He screamed before landing a punch on my face. I grasped in shock and pain. I was momentarily stunned for a moment and I felt something warm drip down from my nose.

"Bullying newbies now aren't we Tom?" A familiar voice spoke. Both the boy and I turned to the right and Luna stood there, carrying her books.

"Go away," Tom snarled.

"I will. But let him go first." Luna replied taking a step forward. I felt Tom tighten his grip on my collar.

"No, and SCRAM," he said lowly. Luna sighed and placed her books on the ground.

"I said. LET HIM GO," and with that, Luna punched Tom in the guts. Tom yelped in pain and quickly loosened his grip on my collar. Luna gave him another punch in the guts. He clutched his stomach in pain and shot me a glare before fleeing down the corridor.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I helped Luna pick up her books.

"You guys were blocking my locker," she replied as she opened her locker before placing her books in there and slamming it shut.

"Oh, sorry about that," I apologised and she shrugged before walking away. "Hey wanna hang out?" I stopped her. She whirled around and eyed at me suspiciously before walking away again. I was about to walk away in a different direction when she turned back and gestured me to follow her.

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