Chapter 18

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Aries POV
Today was the day I was supposed to receive my heart. But seeing Percy and his mother's happy expressions made me swell with pride, at least I did something I'll be proud of even if I die. Luna wasn't in school today though, she texted me saying that she was unwell, which was odd considering the fact that I just met her yesterday and she was well and fine. I'll probably just drop by her house after a quick trip to the mama shop.

I made my way towards Luna's house, for some odd reason, I was excited to finally be able to see her. It felt like years since I last saw her. I was about to press the door bell when there was a loud noise of shattering glass and screaming. That's odd. Noticing that the gate of her house was slightly ajar, I was caught between the dilemma of whether I should go in or not. The screams and yelling were getting louder. Ignoring the protest at the back of my head that told me not to invade her privacy, I pushed the door open and stepped inside. What if she was hurt? I comforted myself, saying that I only went in because I was worried about her.

Pulling my back straight, I winced at another sudden scream before everything went quiet. No more screams, no more yelling, just silence. "Luna?" I whispered as I pushed the front door open. My eyes widened at the scene before me. Luna turned around and dropped the knife she was holding with a loud "clang!" I covered my mouth in shock. I looked at the body behind her, its blood staining the carpet. Fear gripped me as I stood rooted to the ground, my bestfriend, and my crush, that is now standing in front of me had just murdered someone.

"A... Aries. No..." She stuttered, looking down at her bloody hands then back at the body. I pushed past Luna and walked towards the body, grabbing my phone out of my pocket in the process.

Luna POV
"A... Aries. No..." my eyes widen with shock upon seeing him. What's he doing here and how did he even get in the first place? He pushed past me and walked toward the body while grabbing his phone. He then punched in a few numbers. The police. "Aries..." I reached out but he backed away, I was a little hurt, but who wouldn't do that, I killed my Father.

The police came and my dad was placed on a stretcher. Placing handcuffs on my hands, I was shoved into one of the police cars, watching helplessly as I watch them push my Father into the ambulance and then drove off to a hospital. Aries was also in another police car. Was this how I'm gonna live now? In a cell? I chuckled, that's ok, no one would remember or miss me, I'm after all, a murderer.

My eyes started to water and I felt hot liquid streaming down the side of my face, falling onto my lap. But I was too tired, tired of constantly being in pain, tired of living. Slumping back into the seat of the car, I closed my eyes, hoping all this was a nightmare.

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