Chapter 10

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I woke up when I heard a loud "bang!". Startled, I immediately sat up straight and saw that my teacher had just brought in a stack of worksheets. Sighing, I pushed my glasses up and got ready for the lesson. Since the lesson was boring, I felt myself dozing off.

"Ms Woods, dozing off in class again? I hope you did your homework." The teacher's loud voice boomed and everyone stared at me. Crap. There was homework?

"No ma'am." I muttered as I looked down.

"No what?"

"I didn't do the homework."

"First week of school and you're already so lazy." The teacher clicked her tongue as she walked towards my desk. "Should I call your parents?"

My parents? I felt anger boiling in my blood as my face started to burn with both embarrassment and anger. My classmates started sniggering, all except one, Aries. "Call them all you want, they wouldn't even give a rats fart." I mumbled and continued to stare at the ground.

"Stand up." She barked and I obliged.

"What will your parents think about this?" She continued, obviously enjoying the moment of taunting a student. "What will your Mother say?" My ears perked up like a Fox's when I heard the last sentence. Tears began welling up and my heart exploded with grieve and anger. Clenching my fist, I landed a punch squarely at the teacher's face.

The teacher stumbled back at the impact, clutching her face tightly. The classroom erupted with "ooh"s upon witnessing the scene. I was about to give her another swing when I felt someone grab my arm. "No, Luna. Stop, you'll be expelled." Aries said and tried to stop me. I took a deep breathe and stared at the teacher, my jaw clenched tightly in order for me to manage my impulsivity to give her another punch.

"GET OUT NOW. TO THE OFFICE NOW." The teacher screamed, blood dripping down from her nose. I walked towards the door, my fist and jaw still clenched tightly. The students shifted uncomfortably in their seats when I walked passed their desk. I took one last glare at the teacher and walked out.

Aries POV
I was shocked when Luna punched the teacher. She was the last person on earth that I would ever imagine being rebellious. Guess I shouldn't have judged a book by its cover. She was about to punch the teacher again when I stood up and grabbed her arm. "No Luna. Stop, you'll be expelled."

The teacher barked at her to go to the office and ordered me to sit down. Her face red in embarrassment and there was blood dripping down from her nose and onto her shirt. She informed the class that she was going to the office to settle the problem with the principal and Luna. A wave of dread hit me when I heard that. Was Luna going to be expelled? It wasn't her fault, the damn teacher started it and pushed her to far.

As soon as the teacher stepped out of the classroom. The classroom erupted with fits of giggles and whispers. I laid my head on my desk, I really hope Luna doesn't get expelled.

Hey guys, just a reminder. Don't hit your teacher. Don't hit anyone or punch anyone or be rebellious. Be a good kid ok? Stay in school.

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