Chapter 5

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I followed Luna out of the school and into a park. There weren't many people since most of them were still working. She walked towards a tree and sat down, she looked at me and patted the grass next to her. I placed my bag onto the grass and sat down. Luna pulled out a book and her ear pieces from her bag and leaned against the tree trunk before opening it up to read. She plugged in her ear pieces, letting herself drown in her own world.

"Is this your definition of hanging out?" I chuckled. She looked at me, confused and she took out her ear pieces. I repeated what I just said.

"We are hanging out," she replied before returning her attention to her book.

"What are you reading?" She closed the book slightly, giving me time to look at the cover before she continued reading.

"Harry Potter?" She nodded. I sighed as I looked at her reading her book, that's when I noticed cuts on her left arm. "Hey, what happened to your arm?" She quickly used her jacket to cover her left arm before muttering "nothing". Luna plugged her ear pieces back. I shrugged and pulled out the homework before starting to do it.

We hung out at the tree until it was 5 o'clock. Well, Luna was reading and listening to her music the whole time but I did manage to finish my homework so I guess it was ok. Both Luna and I began walking towards our homes. She was still listening to her music. Soon we reached a row of houses, Luna stopped at the third house before looking at me. "Thanks for today. I live here." I nodded and bid her farewell before heading to my home.

"Aries! How was today?" My mom greeted from the kitchen. I told her about Luna and she smiled. "Ah... she sounds lovely. Invite her next time for dinner ok? We'll go for your check up later." I nodded and my Father came into the kitchen. He ruffled my hair before grabbing a can of soda from the fridge.

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