Chapter 28

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The plane ride was too long and my backside was hurting after been sitting in my seat for hours. This was the longest plane ride I had ever been on. As the wheels hit the ground and we were approaching the boarding dock the pilot speaks over the speaker. "Good morning everyone and welcome to Gotham International Airport" he speaks and I look out the window to my left as the plane comes to a stop.

I now had to find my way out of here and then get a hold of a cab to get to my B&B. There were more people here then in Reykjavik, and it had been a while since I had maneuver myself through a big crowd of people. Last time I saw such a big crowd was at Heathrow in London.

Having only my bag for luggage I got out of the airport pretty fast and sighed thankfully at the line of cabs standing outside the entrance. I got in one and greeted the cab-driver before giving him the address.

I kept looking out the window like a little exited child as we passed building by building. We also passed the Wayne tower that was still under construction after the horrible event involving Superman.

When we arrived at the address, the outside of the building didn't quite look like the website, but the picture could be old. I picked up my bag from the pavement and walked inside just as it started raining. The inside looked more like they did on the website which made me relax a little.

A older, grey-haired woman met me in the hall and smiled at me as I walked over to her. "Hi, I had ordered a room here for three days?" I say and smile back at her. "Sure thing, just follow me" she says and lead way into another room. She hands me a set of keys and give me the direction of my room. "If you have any questions, just ask" she says with a smile before disappearing through a door leading further back into the building.

I walk up the stars and through the hall on the second floor searching for my room number. When I finally found it I smiled to myself and opened before walking in to my room for the next few days. I wanted to call Arthur and tell him that I had arrived safely, but remembered that he didn't have a phone, so I guess that wouldn't happen.

I could still not believe I was in Gotham, that this town was perhaps becoming my home this fall was so exciting. I laid back on the small bed and looked up at the roof. Somehow by doing that I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up suddenly by sirens outside and sat up quickly. The sightseeing for today had to wait for tomorrow after my interview, because now it would be to late to do anything other than get some dinner. I dug my phone out of my pocket and looked at the clock on the screen, I was right, it was almost midnight.

I had seen that there was a diner at the end of the street so I decided to go there to get something to eat. The streets were now almost empty but still noisy, it was something to get used too. After getting some food I would walk back to my room, take a shower and then get some sleep. I at least hoped to get some sleep so I could be ready for my interview tomorrow.

The diner was quiet, but there was still some few people sitting at the tables. A few men was sitting closest to the door as I entered. They stopped talking and looked at me as I walked past them before they began talking again.

The girl behind the desk smiled at me and took my order quickly, her eyes moved to the men by the door and then back at me before she made her way back into the kitchen. I sat down by the desk and watched the few people walking by outside, some of them was stumbling past the place, probably drunk.

"Here is your order" The girl has a paper bag in her hand and was handing it over to me. I smile and grab it, but she don't let go right away. She leans closer and I must admit that this was a little uncomfortable. "When you get out the door, you walk as fast as you can and don't look back" she whisper, like a warning in my ear. I look back at her confused as she lets go of the bag.

I walk outside and quickly make my way back to the B&B. Voices appeared behind me but I kept my eyes locked at the ground in front of me.

"Hey gorgeous, where are you going?" One of the voices called out. My grip on the bag tightened and I tried to walk faster.

Suddenly one of them popped up in front of me and my body froze. I looked up and met his grin, it was indeed one of the men from the diner. I took a quick look behind me and saw two others behind me. Inside I was screaming, screaming for Arthur but I know he is too far away to save me this time.

"Aren't you going to answer us?" One of them asked but all that I could to the b&b.

They moved closer and I decided to try and lose them by running into the alley beside me, trying to lose them in the dark. I dropped the bag of food and started running into the alley. Tears were pouring from my eyes as I ran, making my vision blurry. They were probably going to catch me and do all sorts of things with me as well.

I could hear them yelling behind me, calling for me. What would Arthur do when I weren't coming back? That they ended up killing me somehow and the police would call my dad and he'd find out from either Victor or Palina? He would lose it.

One of them suddenly catch my arm and yanks me backwards. I hit the ground and hit my head on the concrete, making me feel lightheaded. I guess this was the end of me.

"You shouldn't have run from us gorgeous" one of them bends down and I can see his face clearly. I wanted to scream, but my body won't let me. But if I didn't scream, I was probably going to die here, bleeding out on the concrete.

I start to scream, kicking and punching the air like a crazy person. If something was getting me out of here, this would probably be a good start. But a few seconds later they are pinning me to the ground and one of them covering my mouth with their hand.

The smell of beer and cigarettes filled my nose. The smell made me nauseous and now black spots was appearing in front of my eyes, letting me know that everything would go black soon.

They all start hovering over me as a bat-like figure appears from the sky, and after that everything turns black.

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