Chapter 15

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This was scary, but I had to be sure. Back in England I wanted to start with birth control pills, because my mom got so worried when I came home late from my last date before she died. I did it to please her and she had told me on her deathbed that life works in it's on wonderful ways. There is always surprises around every corner and you'll know when the right surprise happens even if it is at the wrong time.

I walk down one of the aisles looking for the shelf where the pregnancy tests were and grabbed two tests before I walked over to the register to pay. As I place on the counter I soon recognise the woman behind it. It was the same woman that was at the house with my dad last night. She looks down at what's on the counter before she looks back at me. She smiles and scan the items before she looks up at me again. "Was there anything else?" She asks, and I just shake and try to keep calm. "" I answer. "Don't worry about it. I will not say anything about this to your father" She says, and I smile at her just as some one open the door and the little bell rings making me jump. "Thank you" I say low and grab the items before I walk towards the doors.

I have just managed to put the items in my bag I get passed by Alex and one of his friends. My whole body start to tense, and I freeze as Alex eyes meet mine. He smiles and stop up before he turns towards me.

"Well who do we have here?" He says, and I cling on even tighter to my bag. "Alex stop it" his buddy says and try to stop him, but Alex pushes him aside and walks over to me. "So, your freak of a boyfriend managed to save you after you jumped?" He says and my body tenses even more. "You hit me, so I fell over the edge" I yell back at him and he smiles confident. "Well no one knows that, it is just my word against yours. Who would people believe? A local person or a delusional stranger" He says, and I suddenly feel a bit of anger in my body like I did the time he hit me and made me fall into the hole. "You are an asshole" I scream, and my hand hits his face again.

I must have hit him quite hard since he stumbles backwards. Instead of leaving I stand completely still and don't move a muscle. "You are a fucking bitch" He says and comes closer and I close my eyes preparing for a slap in the face, but nothing happens.

I open my eyes and see a hand coming from behind me holding around Alex wrist. I turn around and Arthur is standing behind me. "I should kill you, but it's not worth it" Arthur says and let go of his wrist making Alex lose his balance and his ass meets the ground.

"I thought you went home?" I say as we walk away from there with Arthur's arm around my shoulder and me clinging on to his body. "I did, but I decided to walk back since you were gone for too long" he says, and I am about to open my mouth when he beats me to it.

"I went back a while ago, so I saw that you were at the pharmacy and when you came out putting the things in your bag" He says, and I stop. "What did you see me put down in my bag?" I ask, and he walks a few steps from me before he turns around. He comes closer and I stand completely still as he opens my bag and pulls out the two packages.

He sighs, and his face gets tense as he looks down at the package saying pregnancy test. "Say something?" I say, and he just place the items back in my bag and turn away from me. "Please?" I plead, and tears start forming in my eyes. "I think you should go home" He says and leaves me standing alone by the shipwreck. "Arthur! Please!" I cry out and tears start falling uncontrollably.

I run home and notice that my dad wasn't here which made me relieved. I didn't want to talk to him anyway as I run up the stairs and into my room.

I bury my head in the pillow and start crying uncontrollably. I didn't mean for this to happen and there might not be anything at all.

My life was over if he didn't come back to me and I couldn't see myself not being with him.

I decide to go and take a bath and walk into the bathroom to turn on the water.

As the bath tub fill itself up with water I walk into my bedroom again to find some clothes even though the most of my clothes were at Arthur's I still had some rags left to put on.

I sink into the water and lay in it looking up at the ceiling. My mind drifted of till the day I would know if I was pregnant or not. I hoped so deeply for a negative test and all could go back to normal, and Arthur would come back for me. I shouldn't have bought the tests today, I should have waited for it till the day and then told him if they were positive and tried to plan my life thereafter. My tears started to pour again, and I felt as they ran down my face.

My heart felt broken like I couldn't fix it even if I tried. I let my head sink under and hold my breath for as long as I can until I hear a knock at the door and pull myself up again. "Yeah?" I yell and wipe the water out of my eyes. "Pumpkin? Is something wrong?" dad asks from the other side. "No, I just wanted to come home for a bit" I say and get up from the bathtub.

"Oh, well I'm going out at sea for a few days? Do you want me to make you something before I leave?" He asks, and I wrap a towel around my body before I dry my hair. "No but thank you" I say back and end up staring at my reflection in the mirror. "Okay, I will be back in a few days" He says, and I hear the creaking of the floor as he walks down the hall towards the stairs.

I keep looking at myself in the mirror and decide to pick up the scissor by the sink. I hold it against my skin and close my eyes to keep the tears from coming.

I was a mess, a crazy person which should have been dead already hadn't it been for Arthur. His face appears in my head and I try to shake my head to make him disappear. My hand is shaking, and I soon lose the scissor down into the sink, making a loud thud.

I went into my room and placed my head on the pillow and wrapped the duvet around my body. I just had to hope this all would end soon , cause it felt like my body was unravelling at the seams.

My Aquaman (a.u)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora