Chapter 41

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([A/N] Some scenes in this chapter are based on the clips from the film Justice League!!)
A man came walking into town from the mountains. Everyone stared at him as he made his way past them towards the pub. I soon recognized his face as the man with the sports car, Bruce Wayne. What was he doing here? I walked in the kitchen door into the pub as everyone started following the man around the building and towards what we use as the town hall. Arthur was sitting by the bar as I walked in there and he looked up at me before emptying his glass and walking out.

I followed him into the hall where everyone had gathered around him and Victor, together with some of the other elders in town, was sitting there watching him as he started speaking.

I stood back, watching him while Arthur walked up to them. He looked over at the townsmen and then over at the foreign man talking.

"I need your help," He started saying. "I'm looking for a stranger who comes to this village from the sea. I believe he comes with the tides," he said, and I could already tell who he was talking about. One elder started speaking in Icelandic. "There are icebergs in the harbor. There hasn't been a ship here for 4 months," Arthur exclaimed, which I knew was a lie since I got here just a week ago.

"The stranger I am talking about doesn't come by ship," Mr. Wayne starts. "There are enemies coming from far away. I need warriors, I am building an alliance to stop them" He continues and Arthur glances quickly over at me before he looks back at Mr. Wayne. Arthur doesn't reply, he just stares at him.

"I'll pay you if you'll let me talk to the man right now" Mr. Wayne continues, probably hoping that Arthur would be bribed into a fight. Arthur then proceeds to speak out loud in, yet again Icelandic and everyone starts laughing.

One of the oldest fishermen started coughing making everyone turn heads and the wall painting I remember Arthur showed me came to view. "Tell me what's in those boxes and I'll pay you more" He says turning his face back towards Arthur again, meeting his eyes once more.

"You should get out" Arthur tells him and walk up to his face. I could tell Arthur was annoyed by this. A stranger coming into town, asking him to tell him what is in the three boxes and join a fight. "Can you at least point me to Atlantis" Mr. Wayne starts joking and in a split-second Arthur has lifted him of the ground and pinning him up against the wall next to me.

"Arthur Curry" He starts as Arthur looks over at me again and let Mr. Wayne down again. "Also known as the protector of the oceans, the Aquaman" he says, and my eyes widen as he speaks.

Arthur suddenly storms out of the building and Mr. Wayne soon follows. Everyone stands put, but I decide to follow them. I stay a little behind wrapping my arms around me as it had started getting colder. They were talking, but I was too far away, and the wind was making it not able for me to pick up what they were talking about.

They walked around the old run-down factory building and the wind stopped a bit which made it able for me to hear them. "I don't like you getting into my life" Arthur starts and keeps walking as Bruce are following him.

"Is that why you help the people here, so you can just leave?" Bruce says as Arthur pulls of the jacket he is wearing. "I help them because no one else does" Arthur replies, and I watch as Arthur continues pulling of his sweater.

"Ever heard of Superman? He died fighting next to me" Bruce says. "My point exactly why I am not helping you" Arthur replies before looking over at me and then walking out into the freezing water.

"You haven't told me what is in those 3 boxes?" Bruce says as Arthur continues walking further out. "That is ancient history" Arthur quickly replies. "So, you don't mind mankind making the ice melt and ruining the eco system?" Bruce continues, trying to make him change his mind, which I know he isn't. "I don't mind if the oceans rise" Arthur slyly replies. "How about if the oceans start boiling?" He replies back at him.

"Dressed as a bat. You are out of your mind Bruce Wayne!" He yells at him before diving and swim away from here. I probably wouldn't see him for a while either now. My eyes got wide; Bruce Wayne was the one who saved me from that alleyway when I visited Gotham?

"Doesn't mean I'm wrong" I hear Bruce tell himself and he turns around and we meet eyes for a brief moment before he continues on back to the pub I suppose. I stay, looking at him disappearing around the building before I look back out onto the ocean where Arthur had just left and sigh.

Everyone else left and I was now left alone. It felt bad to say but I really liked that Alex had gotten a job on one of the fisher boats and barely spent any time on land. The boat he was on left the day I arrived. He weren't even in his mom's wedding a few days ago. I had to pain myself through every minute of it alone since Arthur told me he didn't want to come.

I had barely seen him at all the last few days, this was the first day he had been back. He hadn't come to talk to me, our eyes barely meeting while Bruce was asking him for help. He had now left again as well, and I was leaving in just a few days' time. I had hoped that I at least could have some more time with him, but he probably had some more important business to attend to.

The wind picked up and the snow was falling again like it had done earlier today. I decided to go back to the cabin and made my way up towards the cliffside. The inside was as dark and empty like when I had left it earlier today. It had gotten colder as well, and I lit the fireplace to warm the place up before I sat down in the chair. To escape the loneliness I was feeling, I picked up my book and started reading while the fire was crackling along. I hoped he would come back before I went to bed.

After a few hours reading I put down my book and decided to go to bed as it was almost midnight and I guessed that he wouldn't walk through the door any time soon. The fireplace had also died out and I was too exhausted sitting up and wait for him to show up.

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