Chapter- 5- Fighting

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Hi everyone, I am sorry for not updating this fanfiction for quite a long time. I hope you all will like the way this fanfiction is moving, feel free to express. Thanks for reading. :)


Beam POV

Forth just snapped, though his initial movements were limited to holding my hand, within minutes he just snaps open his eyes as if he was in some kind of trance. His eyes speak a lot, they were red and strain evident, he was gasping for air. I was quick enough to make a call for anyone on duty; I am seriously worried about his condition. He was not breathing well due to retention of carbon dioxide in his blood that results in feeling confused and agitated. I just need to calm him down, he has been through major surgery and that has caused him to act in this way, I am sure he is suffering from Anemia due to excessive bleeding, it was a really nasty gunshot wound. Damn surgeries are not easy and especially doing into on someone you love, I use to make fun of these American drama series where they show doctors doing all these drama things in the ER, right now it hit me hard, I am sure the writer might say 'on your face dude'....I mentally facepalmed. This is not a drama, it's my damn life...this hits home, I don't know who attacked him, why my dad is acting all weird and to top it all I missed on spending time with him, this situation is really messy.

My doctor instincts are kicking in more, but deep down it pains me more to see him as his. Phana came rushing in to help me to take control of this situation, I am seriously worried about him and I am feeling waste, not able to do anything, shit this sucks. Just after giving him a few injections he started to calm down and his breathing got normal, he needs to rest to recover from this trauma. It was too much for me to take in, seeing his pale skin with scars with fresh bruises, his lips look so white as if no life in them, cuts on his hands, I have never experienced this feeling and when they say it hurts like a bitch, yes really hurts to see him like this.

"Go get some rest, you look like a dead person...I am not kidding" Phana said just patting on my head and asking me to go home, how can I do that. His life is in danger that's what dad said, this sounds so suspicious, I have not seen his family and it hit me like a thunderbolt. I just went straight to my dad to ask, but I saw him talking with someone on the phone, I didn't want to barge in, just decided to observe his movements.

He is just walking to & fro, I slowly went to try to understand what he is talking about, only could get fragments of his conversation.

" .....worried for his safety, I have promised him....... will look after his kid." My dad was seriously talking about someone.

"I am not sure how I am going to break this news to him" with that my dad just nods and silently listens... he is still on the cellphone. After ending the call, he turned and looked into my eyes and said " I know you have many question son, but right now all you have to know is we have to protect him."

"When you tell him, you mean to say 'Forth' am I right"

"Yes, I am talking about Forth, I want your help, Beam"

"Dad, right now I want to ask you one thing....just answer me"

"Tell me, what you want to know"

"When you said 'protect him'..... from whom....??" I asked him to make the typical sign of this 'quote words' and asked: "why his parents are not here..... he is the only son in their family, they don't care about him."

"You don't know Beam what is going on....just don't conclude on his behalf....!!" My dad was agitated, he was trying his best to defend his friends...yes, my Dad is the best friend of Forth's parents "just listen and do as I say" my dad just moved closer to me and said,

"It's not your place to know about his family. When Forth wakes up we will discuss about it. OK"

"Dad, he is alone, he has no one beside him....except you and me. His body is in shock, he just snapped as if reliving that moment. This...(pulling his hair...he said) this no joke, this is damn serious, we have to calm his nerves by sedating him." I am trying my best to maintain my cool in front of Dad as I continued to tell him, "I am really sure something serious has happened with him"

"I am sure he fights this terrible situation, meanwhile when can we shift Forth from critical care to the recovery room." Wooh my dad sound really worried for him.

"Pha will be in a better position, I am just way too tired emotionally and physically." Suddenly I am having this weird headache just thinking about what we all have gone through. And the sudden absence of his family is one big mystery to is so odd.

"I am not getting any answered from your dad.... that idiot is not getting better....Forth aahhhh..... you make me more worried."

"Just trust me, son, I will give the answer to all your questions once things are back on track. Just go get some rest, do you want me to drop you home."

"Dad, you need to rest too, you look more tired than me. You are an old man, age is catching up to you... So, my dear old man, you need more rest than I do" with that I hug my dad tightly letting him know he is equally important to me.

"You know I am a fit and fine guy, I am more worried about that kid whose life is dependent on the capabilities of you young doctors. Just make sure he is fine before we leave for home." Why my dad sounds so emotional and he is worried about forth... that is evident.

I went and told Pha to take care of Forth, he has to call me immediately if he sees some moments in this chap. He seriously looks pale, the medication is taking a toll on him, he looks more like a dried fish, with that I went and kissed on his forehead.

"I will come to see you tonight, please don't panic when I am not around. I will wait for you." With that, I gave another kiss on his forehead. I really like this guy....hhmmmm.... for sure; I can't see him in pain. I am ready to do anything for him without even thinking twice....I guess that's what they call love at first sight.

With that heavy-hearted feeling I have to go and take some rest, my instincts are telling me something is really messed up around us. There has to be some reason, I saw my dad again talking on the phone with someone, he is again pacing with a worried look on his face.

The drive to my apartment was really long, I was constantly thinking about this sudden interest of my dad in all these matters. His restlessness and the way he is dealing with all this, there are no detectives involved in this case or maybe I missed on this information and since it's a gunshot wound there has to be some kind of intention some kind of motive in hurting him. I guess I am more influenced by that kid detective Conan.

I reached and slumped on the best, just a few hours back I was planning to have a steaming night with him and now I am here thinking hard, drained and all alone feeling helpless.

This is how life is, I have learned the hard way, I can just hope he is Ok. He has to tell me everything for ditching our plan, I was kind of hoping to let him know how I feel about him so that we can have a new start in our life.

And with that I slowly started to feel sleepy, I hope I see you in my dreams Forth so that I can feel you close to me, I will see you soon dear just wait for me. Pha you idiot, just take good care of him in my absence.

With that, I feel my eyelids heavy and in no time I guess I am lost in this dreamland with sweet dreams of me and Forth kissing passionately.

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