Chapter 5: His dream girl

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“I’m scared. I have to prove myself and I don’t think it will go well. I always mess up on the simplest of things. I will mess up this job too”, She confessed as she relaxed against me.

I noticed that there are less clouds and less intense wind speeds. I turned her around in my arms, looking down in her eyes as I cupped her cheeks. Her skin felt cooler than the other night.

I lowered my head as I spoke to her seriously, “Being scared is a good thing. It has helped humans get to the point they are now. The only way that happened is that people didn’t let their fear rule them. Don’t let it rule you.”

I watched as her eyes watered a little. I swallowed wondering if I said the wrong thing. I waited for her to pull away or tell me to stop. She looked down at the sand underneath us for a few seconds. In those seconds, the clouds went away and the wind quieted. She lifted her head, giving me a smile again as she wrapped her arms around me.

“Thank you”, She spoke against my chest as she tightened her arms a little.

I hugged her back a I realized that she didn’t know my name. I rested my chin against her hair as I spoke, “My name is Baltazar.”

“My name is Alexis”, She told me as she pulled back from the hug.

The dream ended there, frustrating me to no end. Which is an emotion I haven’t felt in a very long time. Angels don’t tend to have a lot of negative emotions, at all really. These trips to her dreams were changing that.

I wanted more time with her. At least I knew her name now, Alexis. The next dream came and I let the pull take me. I felt anxious to see her again. Once I felt the sand on my feet, I looked around to spot her.

The sky was darker blue than normal, and there seemed to be a storm coming in around the edges of the sky. I noticed something in the water and assumed it was her.

I unfolded my wings, and pushed off the sand. I let my wings take me over the blue-green water until I saw her. Floating there with her eyes closed tightly. I moved down getting closer and closer to her. I flapped my wings gently, letting the wind hit her face.

When she didn’t react, I called out her name, “Alexis.”

Her eyes snapped open then squinted from the sun. I changed where I hovered to shield her eyes. She gave me a soft smile as she spoke, “Baltazar. I really outdid myself with you didn’t I?”

I tilted my head as I looked at her body just floating there. I wondered how she managed to do it. I wanted to ask her but I settled on a different question, “What do you mean?”

I watched as she raised an hand up for me to take. I lowered myself and took her hand, lifting her up from the water. I wrapped an arm around her, making sure that she is safe in my arms. She placed her hands on my face, cupping my cheeks. Just like I did in the last dream. She moved her hands and started to trace the features of my face with her fingers.

“You’re beautiful, and you have wings too. Almost like an Angel. I have never been so bold before”, She explained as she looked at me in a way that made my hearts go off their usual beat pattern.

“That didn’t alleviate my confusion, it simply increased it”, I told her as I pulled my eyebrows together for a few seconds.

Ache and Hunger ~Complete~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora