Chapter 14

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Nichole let out a scream as she stepped off of the scale. Stephanie pulled her into a hug. She pulled away and Triple H gave her a hug. Nichole couldn't put into words how happy she was. It almost brought tears to her eyes. It definitely brought tears to Stephanie's eyes.

"I'm so proud of you Nichole!" Stephanie said. Nichole nodded as she pulled away from Triple H.

"Do I have a match tonight?" she asked with hope in her eyes. Stephanie looked at Triple H before nodding. Nichole let out another scream. She went to get ready for her match. She was better than ever, had new gear, and she was going against the Diva's champion. If she won tonight, she would get a title shot. There was a knock on the locker room door. Nichole looked at the Divas in the locker room. They were all ignoring it. Nichole rolled her eyes as she got up and answered the door. It was Phil. She smiled as she stepped outside.

"Congrats!" he said.

"Thanks!" Nichole said.

"Good luck!" He walked away. Nichole grabbed Triple H's shirt, put it on, and went to the gorilla. Stephanie and Trip were waiting there. They walked out with Nichole. AJ was already in the ring. Nichole got in the ring. She took deep breaths as she cracked her knuckles. Stephanie got a mic and tapped on it to make sure it was working.

"Before the match starts, I'd just like say how proud I am of you. You're a bigger person than I could have ever raised you into." Stephanie said. "To reward you for everything you've done for this family, I'm giving you a Diva's Championship match next week on Raw!"

Nichole smiled and nodded.

"Ring the bell!" Stephanie yelled.

The bell rung. AJ extended her hand out to Nichole. Nichole smirked as she kicked AJ in the jaw. AJ fell to the mat. Nichole mocked AJ by skipping around her. She then got AJ up by pulling her by the hair. AJ screamed out in pain. Nichole kneed her multiple times in the stomach. She then pushed her to the mat. AJ rolled over and held her stomach. Nichole looked at Triple H and smiled. She got AJ's head between her legs and hooked her arms. She performed a pedigree and covered her. She got the three count. Nichole got her hand held up by the ref. She skipped around AJ before climbing out of the ring. She got the title from the timekeepers area. She skipped around the ring and to the stage. AJ was screaming at her to give the title back. Nichole set it down on the stage. AJ got out of the ring and slowly walked over to it. As she bent down to pick it up, Nichole kicked her in the jaw. AJ fell and rolled down the ramp. Nichole walked over to her and grabbed a lock of her hair. She smirked and licked her lips as she repeatedly slammed AJ's head into the ramp. A ref pulled her away. Nichole laughed as she walked backstage with her adoptive parents. She cooled down before an interview with Renee. Triple H accompanied her.

"My guests at this time, Nicholette and Triple H." Renee said. "Nichole, how do you feel about getting a championship match on your return?"

"It feels amazing!" Nichole said. "Ya know, I could not be any more thankful than I am towards Stephanie and Hunter. They raised me better than my own parents could have ever raised me. To hear Stephanie say that she was proud of me, it was the best feeling in the world. I definitely don't want to let her or Hunter down. The Diva's Championship is coming home to the authority on Raw. I can guarantee that!"

Nichole and Triple H walked away with smiles on their faces. Nichole went to the bus. Phil was there with his family. He smiled when he saw her. She smiled back. She went to go to the bedroom, but stopped. There was a crate on the floor with a card on the top. She heard tiny meows coming from the crate. Her jaw dropped as she knelt down and grabbed the card. It was from Stephanie and Triple H. Nichole rolled her eyes. She said no. Nichole opened the crate. The kitten crawled out and rubbed up against her. Even though she was mad, she couldn't help but smile.

"What's your name?" Nichole asked in a soft and light voice. 

"Doesn't have one yet." Phil said from beind her. "Its a she."

"We'll call her Noodledoodle." Phil chuckled. Nichole scooped the cat up. She walked to the back and put the cat on the bed. Nichole walked back out. She opened the door. Stephanie and Triple H were standing there. Nichole rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. 

"I said no!" she said. "But, you guys never seem to listen to me."

"Its a present. Calm down." Stephanie said.

"You could've given me money." Triple H laughed. Nichole kept a straight face. She finally let them in. Triple H picked her up. She wrapped her arms and legs around him. "Thank you!" she said.

Triple H gave her a squeeze before setting her down. Nichole sat down on the floor. Stephanie sat down next to her. Nichole played with the cross necklace around her neck for a while. Stephanie and Triple H ended up leaving. Colt, Danny, Ace as well as Phil's sisters went to explore the town. Nichole thought Phil went with them, but he was sitting on the couch watching her play with the necklace.

"What's the deal with that necklace?" he finally asked. Nichole jerked up. She took a deep breath before smiling. 

"It was my mother's." she said. "She used to play with it the same way. Before this, I used to do the same with my necklaces."

Nichole got up. She walked over to the counter and slid up. Phil got up and walked over to her. She carefully watched him as he opened her legs and stood in between them. She caught her breath. He moved her hair out of the way as he leaned in. She tried to back up, but he stopped her. She licked her lips, trying not to like what was happening. Phil rubbed her legs as he gently kissed her. She tried to pull away, but she ended up kissing back. Phil pulled away. Nichole was breathing heavily. Phil knew then that he did something wrong. 

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