Chapter One

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Nicholette was stretching by the gorilla before her match. A guy came up to her and told her she had five minutes before she had to go out. Nicholette wasn't like any other diva in the WWE. She was a lot smaller than all the others but she has only lost a few matches. Her life hasn't been that good. Nicholette, or Nichole as she likes to be called, has anerexia. Wrestling is the only thing that's keeping her strong. She hasn't skipped a meal in two months. Nichole also doesn't have a good relationship with her family. Her dad left when she was 13. He blamed her for his depression and him not getting better. She decided he was the reason she was unhappy and cut him off. Her family didn't take her anerexia seriously. Once Nichole got excepted to go to NXT and start training, she cut her family off. They never understood her. They never understood why she wouldn't eat, why she had so many tattoos, why she listened to screamo, why she wrestled, why she did anything the way she did. 

"Nicholette, can I speak to you before you go out?" a familiar vioce asked behind her. It was the one and only Stephanie McMahon.

"Yeah, shoot away." She said, putting a smile on her face. Unlike the rest of the divas and superstars, the authority didn't bother Nichole that much. They tried to help her out with her eating disorder and they supported her. They were nicer than they got credit for.

"We wanna make a storyline with you in it. We found a superstar who is alike you in many ways. Tonight its going to be introduced. You'll be in a four man tag team match, you and CM Punk against Naomi and Jimmy Uso. The storyline is about you and CM Punk falling in love. Tonight he'll ask you out after you guys win and you'll accept. After your match, I'll tell you guys about the rest of the storyline and what you guys have to do." she explained.

"Okay, where is he?" Just then, Punk came up from behind Stephanie and smirked.

"So you're the famous Nicholette that I've heard of. Its a pleasure to finally meet you. You're truly amazing and an inspiration to many people." Punk said.

"Okay, you guys talk for a while. The match is delayed a little for me and my husband to talk a little to the crowd." Stephanie and Triple H walked out as her music played.

Punk sat there looking Nichole over. To him, she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. He didn't care about her eating disorder. He didn't see any imperfections in her. Punk mesmerized the roses that layed from her shoulder going down to her elbow. It wasn't a normal rose tattoo sleeve. They weren't red, they were colorful. The colorful tattoos suited her so well. 

"So you're the famous CM Punk. I think we'll get along just well, you are straight edge after all." Nichole said, laughing a little.

"You're straight edge? And call me Phil." he said, smiling.

"Yeah, before I got an eating disorder, I was into drugs and alcohol. After I found that that was making things worse I didn't know what to do. I found myself skipping more meals each day and then I finally stopped eating as a whole. I lost more weight than a normal person with an ED because I was an athlete. I had more of a hardcore workout than someone else with an ED. I-I-I s-sometimes fall back i-i-into my old habits and s-s-stop eating a-as a whole." Tears started to roll down her cheek. She wiped them away. "And call me Nichole." she smiled.

"I'm hear if you need anyone." Punk seemed nicer than all the other divas had said. She could tell he cared.

"Will you pray with me before we go out."

"Um, its not my thing and plus we're supposed to win the match and the other team knows it."

"Please, I always do it."

"Okay." She held out her hands for him to hold. He did so. They closed their eyes. Nichole took a deep breath before saying the prayer.

"Dear heavenly father, please look over us tonight as we go into this match. Bring us a proud victory but also look over the other team as they go into this match. Amen."

Not Ready To Fall In Love (A CM Punk Fanfic) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now