Chapter 19

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"Dude, you look like a creep staring at her." Colt stated.
As soon as the show ended, Phil went to the bus to sleep. He couldn't quite do just that because his family had taken up the couch and he didn't want to bother Nicole by sleeping with her again. She looked mad at him. He thought he would give her the space she most likely wanted.
As the group all sat around a foldable table playing random card games, Phil's focus was on Nicole, who could be seen through the open door of the bus bedroom. She was sound asleep with the kitten curled up with her. She looked content, with a smile etched onto her features.
Phil knew the contentedness would leave as soon as she woke up, for Nicole was one to hold a grudge. If she was mad, she stayed mad for longer than she should, whether it was about something small or large.
"Seriously," Chez snapped, getting up. "Let her sleep without two creepy old men watching her."
Chez swayed over to the bedroom door, closing it lightly before making her way back to the table.
"Who are you calling old?" Colt asked, gripping his chest where his heart lay as if her words had stung.
"You." Cassie said bluntly, unamused by what was going on around her. She was frustrated from losing to Colt on almost every game and insists that he's cheating.
"I think we all need to stop and go to bed." Shalene suggested. She went to clear the cards, only to have her hand smacked away by Colt.
"I need to win!" he demanded in a childish manner. Phil shushed him, only to be ignored by everyone at the table.
"You won almost every game!" Cassie jumped up. Colt jumped up as well, maxing her small, but intimidating size.
"You're just a sore loser!"
"And you're a cheater!"
"Guys!" Phil yelled. He regretted it when the door opened. Nicole walked out, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She stared at the group with her arms crossed.
"Sorry." Phil said. She ignored him, glancing at everyone but him. He knew he did wrong. Her cold shoulder was like being thrown into an iceberg and drowning. He desperately needed saving just from simple words coming out of her mouth, yet she never said anything.
"Are we there yet?" she spoke coldly with venom in her words, clearly angry about being woken from her slumber.
"Yeah, we got here about an hour ago." Shalene answered sweetly.
Nicole slipped on a hoodie and boots and left the bus.
"I think you need to apologize for causing her to lose." Shalene said as she cleared the cards and put the table away.
"I know." Phil said, slumping onto the couch.
Nicole entered the hotel where Stephanie said she'd be staying. She slowly but surely made her way to the floor and room that Stephanie gave her. She lightly knocked, waiting for an answer. Trip answered with groggy eyes, squinting at her in the bright lighted hallway.
"They were being loud." Nichole mumbled. Triple H moved to allow her access to the room.
"There's a couch." he said, a yawn following. "I'll get you some blankets."
He carried a folded comforter to the couch he had talked about, only to find Nicole already sound asleep. Stephanie had walked up as Triple H was putting the blanket around Nicole's sleep filled body. He gently kissed her forehead, stepping back.
"She's grown up into a beautiful woman." Stephanie said. "I just hope she doesn't crack again."
"She won't." Trip said.
"How do you know?"
"Because she has us to lean on."
Hope you guys liked it. I think I'm gonna stop this fic. Idk anymore. Sorry.

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