(Ariana's POV)
I roll my eyes at him and continuing meeting my fans when one of the boys comes over.
"Oh hey Cam" I smile and he smiles back
"You feeling any better?" He asks and I smile nodding back at him "much better actually, the fans make me happy. We will still need to talk though" I say referring to Shawn.
"Yeah that's understandable" he smiles and rubs my back.

We spend At least another hour there before the event finishes. Fans were still lingering but Matt was complaining as he was so hungry. "I will die of starvation!" I hear him groan and giggle.

We all go back inside so we can get our stuff.

"So where shall we eat?" Matt asks

"Taco Bell!" Jack and Jack shout and everyone agrees.

"There's 3 range rovers waiting outside" Bart smiles.

"Okay, Me, Carter, jack and jack will have one" Cameron smiles

"Me Shawn , Erin and mahogany can share" Matt smiles

"I guess that leaves me Hayes, Ariana and Taylor" Nash smiles.

"I'm okay with that" I smile and walk out holding my bag. I get in the back and sit in the middle between Hayes and Nash with Taylor in the passenger front seat. As we all had drivers

"Woah, seeing you both next to me is crazy both your eyes are amazing!" I say smiling.

"Thanks, we get them from our dad" Nash smiles.

"I have no clue where me and Shawn got our singing from." I giggle.

"You're both very talented" Hayes smiles and I blush.

"We'd love for you to join us on magcon" Taylor says poking his head around.

"It sounds fun don't get me wrong. I just would want to leave my mum behind and I know Shawn Hates her" I frown. "If you ever wanna talk about it were here" Nash smiles.

"Well Thanks! I wanna focus on my music for the moment. I have a YouTube account but I wanna post more fun stuff like you guys. It's mainly singing" I say.

"Well I'm sure we can all make a video together for you" Hayes says and I smile "that sounds great!"

We arrive at Taco Bell and I get out and we all go inside getting the biggest table there was.

Cameron and Shawn went up to order the food, they ordered a load of everything and I sat down next to Hayes and Erin.

"So how do you and Erin meet?" Carter asks and I look at her and we both start laughing.

All the boys were looking at each other weirdly as I tried to stop laughing. Hayes was smiling at me.

"Well uh-" I say and laugh again "basically, I'm school they used to do these trips and one of the trios was to go to this log cabin hotel in the woods and a big lake. Her school went at the same time as mine. I was sitting in a branch of a tree as someone took a picture of me and then all I remember was a banana hitting me and I tried to catch it and lost balance falling Into the river." I say and start laughing

"I threw the banana" Erin says with the biggest grin on her face

"Yes she did. She came to see if I was okay and wanted her banana back and that was that" I say.
The boys laughed along with me and Erin.

"Did you tell them the banana story" Shawn asks walking back over with Cameron with food.

"Yup!" Erin says popping the 'p'.

"Ariana says she wants to make some more YouTube videos other then singing ones" Nash smiles.

"We can help you. Do you have a vine account?" Cameron asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah but I don't post much" I say and Matt pulls out his phone "found ya!!"

"Oh no! There so cringey!!" I say hiding my face in my hands.

The boys laugh and say "let's film one now" Cameron says.

"Sure!" I smile.

"Okay. We will all smash a taco against our heads, you film going in a circle and ask 'on a scale of 1 to taco how much do you love taco bell' " Cameron smiles and I giggle and get my phone out agreeing. I stand up and say
"So, on a scale of 1 to taco how much do you love Taco Bell?" I say as I film around the circle and one by one they all smash a taco on their heads with Matt face planting his taco instead.

I finish filming and giggle watching it back. I post it and tag all the boys.

Eventually we had all finished.

"So Ari, where are you staying?" Carter asks
"Madison hotel" I smile

"That's not too far from us. You're welcome to stay with us tonight" Shawn said.

"Thanks but me and Erin have nail appointments in their spa tonight and I wanna take advantage of the hot tub" I laugh

"Although I'll Snapchat you tomorrow so we can go out and chat" I smile at Shawn. He smiles and nods his head back at me.

"Aww So you're ditching us all for a hot tub" Hayes laughs. "Yeah sorry" I say and laugh.

"It's alright! Your welcome any time. We all live in the same house. It's pretty huge and we have some spare rooms if you ever need one" Cameron smiles.
"Thank you" I smile to Cameron.

As it was a bit later it was cold outside and I still only had my dress on. "Do you have a coat?" Jack J asks.

"Annoyingly no, someone was stressing me out this morning and I forgot it!" I laughs.

"You can borrow my hoodie" Hayes smiles passing
it to me.
"Thanks. I'll return it tomorrow" I smile and put it on. I'll think over the next week what I'm gonna do about the tour and everything and I'll let you guys know. " I smile.

"Take your time" Shawn smiles and stands up as me and Erin do. "I guess I'll see you all tomorrow briefly" I say and hug all of them saying goodbye and then hug Hayes. Hugging him a little bit harder then the rest.

Me and Erin walk out and get into a taxi waiting for us which drives us to the hotel.

Nash wiggles his eyebrows at Hayes poking him in the side and he blushes.

// thanks for reading part 6!
Please answer:
1. Do you recon Ariana will go on tour?
2.Will Shawn and Ari be able to sort everything out or will something go wrong?
3. Do you like me using pictures and videos or should I stop adding them?

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