Chapter 4

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I spent the whole day with my friend Stephanie strolling at the mall, which most of the time all we did is to fit clothes that we find it useful in the future and bought things that are hard to resist like the light blue bag with a pink ribbon on it and a pair of sandals that goes with it. After being tired we decided to go for the rides and even did karaoke which I think the most relaxing activity of the day. We sang like there was no tomorrow, we sang loudly with our heart's content and laugh while singing the lines like a drunk man does when he is no longer himself after being intoxicated with the spirit of alcohol. By the time we decided to go home it was already 7:30 in the evening. We split and said our goodbyes and went separately on our way home. As I was driving I had a replay of my encounter with John this morning and I wonder if he might be still home. I thought of how am I going to act around him. Thought of how I'm going to play it cool after all, I was just a kid way back then as he termed it. I also tried to talk to my inner self if I'm still angry and I believe that the answer is no. I was just not used of not getting what I want and it just happened that his attention is what I want at those times that I didn't have.
After few minutes I was already parking my car outside our house. I'm still living with my brother for the reason that my paranoid and over protective brother does nit want me to moveout since I was his only family left after our parents died.  He had practically raised me and financed everything I needed throughout my studies until I had a stable job.
The lights are out meaning either my brother is out or already sleeping.
I went oyt of the car with paper bags on my left hand and the key to the front door on my right. I was able to get inside without unnecessary noise and teep toe my way to my room when the lights suddenly opened while I'm half way ascending to tje stairs to my room. I stopped to check who turned the lights on and it was John frowning watching me. I matched his frown with mine and continued my way without looking at him.  When I was about to open my bedroom door I heard him clear his throat but I just ignored him and tried to open the door with my key.  I was about to enter when he spoke.
I apologize for my behavior this morning I'm sorry Jelly I did not meant to ruin your morning. I refused to look at him and just get inside my room and locked the door behind without a word.

Strangers Who aren't StrangerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant