42-Wilted Flowers

Start from the beginning

"Come on- Hermione and Ron are here already," Liana told Harry, her lips slightly pursed as she reached out and caught hold of Harry's hand, ignoring the electric jolt that the connection had as she gently pulled Harry up the stairs. Harry followed, his eyes never leaving Liana, captivated by her. He barely even heard Sirius calling after the two:

"Whipped !"

"OH my goodness! Harry!" Hermione squealed as she practically leapt on Harry, catching him off guard and knocking Liana's hand out of his own, her smooth, cold fingertips sliding out of his hold.

"I've been researching! They simply can't expel you!" Hermione exclaimed hotly as she pulled away from Harry and retreated to stand beside Ron. Her confidence drained as she waited in silence for Harry to respond.

"Not a word from either of you all summer? Really?" Harry asked furiously.

"That's pretty ironic you complain about that Harry, were my letters just not good enough then?" Liana cut in, the slight annoyance evident in her tone.

Her blue eyes flashed as Harry looked to meet her eyes, but she quickly looked away, knowing better than to let her temper get the better of her for the time being.

Harry seemed to be struggling for his words through his anger and frustration for Ron and Hermione, his awareness Liana was pissed at him for ignoring her letters and the strong waves of feeling he felt returning for Liana.  Although if he was honest, he wasn't sure those feelings had ever even left.

"Look Liana- we can talk later but for now-" Harry tried to sound as gentle as possible but it didn't work. Instead Liana huffed angrily and strode out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

"Harry- mate, how have you already fucked up when you've barely been here five minutes?" Ron asked incredulously. Harry rolled his eyes as he slumped onto Ron's mattress running a hand through his scruffy hair.

"Why don't you go and talk to her now instead of just letting her temper brew? We can ask Sirius to explain the order to you later," Hermione offered. Just for once the bushy haired girl wanted one year without Harry and Liana getting even deeper into their messy relationship. She just wanted one peaceful year without endless arguments and life threatening situations.

Harry nodded, "yeah i suppose I better."

Harry climbed the creaky stairs, trying to blissfully ignore the severed house elf heads that lined the walls as he travelled further up into the house. His stomach twisting into knots, he was finding it increasingly difficult to express his feelings towards Liana and he knew that he would have to open up to her, the thought of him being vulnerable in her eyes made him run another hand through his hair, subconsciously spiking it up more.

He found the door to the room Ron had spoken about but stopped dead in his tracks when he recognised the name plate of the door:

Aubrey Bennet Black

Harry felt his breathing quicken. He had never thought about the fact that Aubrey must've lived here before. She was Sirius' adopted sister and it only made sense, but something about this sent chills down Harry's spine as he pushed the door open.

Liana sat on the small single bed that stood in the corner of the room and she didn't even glance up as Harry walked in. Harry turned his nose up at the smell that hit his nostrils and his eyes were drawn to the rotting and decayed flowers that sat in the vase on the desk.

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