Chapter 31

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Rins P.O.V.

as Naruto hugged me I stood limp, unsure of what to do.

sasuke didn't trust me, the pink haired girl was going to go along with sasuke.

"Who is she!?!?" the old guy with them asked

"She is an S-class missing nin from our village... wanted dead on site, everyone has said if you even try... she kills you just like that, only one survivor was a child" sasuke says glaring at me

"its ok one-chan.... I forgive you, just come back to the village" Naruto says still clinging to me while looking up at me

sighing I look down at him and I feel my heart break.

'you should cut off your ties with the tailed beasts..." itachis voice comes to mind.

"say something please" Naruto begs

I force him to let go off me

"be good, im always with you... but I cant go back. I've made my choice" I tell him and he stares at me in shock, unsure of what to say

sasuke comes running at me with a kunai

I block, looking him in the eyes I watch as he stares at me in hate.

"You're just like him..." sasuke tells me as he comes at me again

as he comes at me I make him pass me and I take the kunai out of his hands as while as knocking him out.

"SASUKEEEEE!?!?!" the girl screams loudly

"you take care. I have to go, I just had to see one last time... tell shika im sorry, and give him this" I tell Naruto as I pull out a letter I wrote for him

"remember Naruto, I will always love you... and if you ever need me just get to shika, He'll know what to do" I tell him

"no no no one-chan... please don't leave me" Naruto starts to cry

"come on Naruto, you need to grow up without me..." I say sadly.

Naruto tries to hug me one more time but I jump away and start running.

"OOOONNNEEE_CHHAANNNN" I hear him shout with such pain, I place my hand upon my chest and feel my heart ache

meeting up with itachi I see he hasn't moved in the slightest.

"want me to go get dango?" I ask

"sounds good" he tells me

I leave and head back to the small town Naruto and the rest were going to, as I head there I pass them and see Naruto carrying sasuke on his back.

sakura and tazuna struggling to carry Kakashi

"your an idiot Naruto... you know that right? if you weren't so stupid my sasuke would be fine" the girl tells Naruto glaring

I see naruto's eyes tear up again

"Naruto..." the girl says realizing she was to harsh

"let's j-just go" Naruto says walking faster

I continue on my way and look around seeing each place looking dead, nothing to buy or something that looked un edible

"I'll take 8 dango sticks" I ask the cashier

the cashier looks surprised but immediately gets my order ready

I look around and see young children looking starved and homeless

"here you go miss" the man says holding a box out to me

"thank you" I say as I hand him the money

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