Chapter 17

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I posted chapter 16 by mistake... it wasn't finished...

I am salty.

anyways heres what happen

Rin's P.O.V.

we were hiding in there base, being very careful so we didnt get caught.

Kakashi was terrible a bteing quiet, each step he took it sounded like he was on leaves, even haru was better.

I motioned to minato to take down 4 enemy nin that had just entered a tent.

we all raced in side the tent for cover, as I peeked my head out I saw many people running around getting ready to head out, most looked around the age of 20.

all the sand nin were older then 40, it was odd to me but I ignored it.

"Leader-sama, the troops are ready we can leave right away" I heard one nin say to a rather large man.

"alright deploy then" the man said walking away from the messenger

I raced out of the tent following the so called leader.

I glanced back and saw the other 3 following.

we came to halt when he entered a tent.

"alright we'll take him prisoner, minato you knock him out, dog aid minato. bear and I will be look outs" I say and we immediately start.


we had successfully taken the leader and we were now heading back to our base.

"baki, does this man look familiar?' I ask as Kakashi places the man down

"that's... the kages right hand man" baki says

"well it would seem hes a traitor. hes in charge of the whole thing" Haru says

"team go back to fighting, I'll talk to baki" I say sighing

Kakashi, Minato, and haru leave baki and I to talk.

"we have to make an announcement, i'll send a messenger to the lord, you head to front lines and announce we have him" baki orders

I leave with out a word,

as I reach the frontlines I see many suna nin have been wiped out, including the team I had been incharge of a few days ago.

it had been 2 weeks since I had arrived.


just go with it, I don't feel like writing about everything that happened, but lets say a lot fighting then resting and repeat

this was the worst I had ever seen, I saw people trying to carry the injured out but them to began to fall.

I looked to my left and saw my team and a few other suna nin were surrounded, worried for them I raced to help.

I pushed myself faster once I saw haru fall to the group with a kunai sticking from his chest

"NOOOO!!!!" I screamed I sliced down anyone that got in my way.

once I reached him I fell to my knees checking to see if he was alive, I felt no pulse.

"H...h... Bear..." I feel my voice crack

"Bird get up. its not safe." I hear Minatos voice tell me.

I feel my body being shaken but Ignore it.

to deep in my grief.

my grief fades and turns into anger, I stand and watch as this stupid war goes on. it was like it didnt matter that haru was gone, I start to cut down every ninja that comes at me.

not caring when a kunai had cut me or sunk into me.

I do hand signs in an order I had never done before, feeling my chakra flow out into my jutsu.

a huge shadow comes out of my own holding onto every ninja within eye sight.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I realize its minato.

he flashes through the frozen battle field cutting down the enemy.

I hear people talk in fear, wondering why they couldn't move.

I felt the tears drip from eyes.

ignoring it I hold onto my jutsu for as long as I can, im not sure how long it passes but I zone out not caring about the world, haru was gone and he was someone that made up my world.

Kakashi's P.O.V.

as I kill each nin still in amazement, a young girl like Rin was able to pull of something like this, I wasn't even sure what it was but I did know it was a kekkei genkai from the nara clan.

the entire battle field was frozen and covered in a shadow.

about 10 minutes had passed and still many were frozen, I stopped killing when I heard people yelling out that they surrendered.

I looked back at rin to see her looking weak, her body in a slumped position.

minato raced towards her catching her as she fell.

I heard many cheers as the enemy began kneeling down placing their weapons out of reach.

"grab Bear... lets head to med" minato says

we quickly get back to base and head for the med tents were Genko was racing around healing people

"wolf its haru" minato says

genko freezes and looks over at the young teenage boy laying still in my arms

"put them in these beds" genko says

minato and I place the two young nins down and let genko work his medical jutsu

"Rin's fine just very low on chakra... Haru"

shikamarus sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora