chapter 26

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rin's Pov

I was running holding onto my neck that was gushing blood

the hokage was also injured.

I glance back and see anbu and all other ranks trying to catch me

"stop rin please" I hear Genko's voice beg

as much as I wanted to stop I knew I couldn't, not after what I had done.

I continue running as fast as I could trying to lose the Ninja... the Ninja I once worked with of course none of them really knew it was me

about an hour passes and I finally lose them... heading to Suna which is where the last report of the organization was seen.

i don't stop knowing that if i did, i'd most likely be caught

my head feels funny due to lack of food, water and blood

stopping to quickly wrap my neck and shoulder i watch and listen to all around me.

i start to think of what i had just done.

flash back

after danzo had told me what i was going to do i froze.

"but lord hokage..." i say

"don't worry, im not as fragile as i look" he says with a sad smile

i nod and prepare myself.

"im ready whenever you are" i tell him

"start right now" danzo says as he walks way

i watch the hokage and get ready to actually fight him.

"let me start the alarm... remember you only have 10 minutes or else you're going to be caught" the hokage tells me and i nod

he presses the button that sounds something

i blow a huge fire ball that misses him completely and goes outside

the hokage jumps out and i follow

he and throw jutsu's at each other before fighting hand to hand

i see the villagers running trying to get far away from the fight that was destroying their homes and shops.

i sense a lot of chakra coming from behind and see the hokage nod

so race at him with a jutsu that could kill but as planned i only skim him... even that is still deadly

i hear people shout.

"that's Rinmaru Nara!" a Jounin i had met at Chunin when we were assigned to teach the academy students together.

Ninja rushed to the hokage that was laying on the ground

"get the hokage out of here!" someone shouts

i get ready to fight but i spot ox, Kakashi, genko, haru and a few others i know like my dad

"rin..." he shouts

i put on the mask i use during missions... the one of no emotion.

i look over to see the hokage is being carried away and i follow making it look like im trying to kill him

he blocks me and the ninja jump in front of him protecting him.

i knock them out and the hokage gives the signal. he nods barely which tells me 10 minutes is up and i have to leave.

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