Chapter 29

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Shikamarus P.O.V.
After i had left Genko and the other 2 i raced home.
Scared but very curious as what had happened to my sister.
Did she get Kia or something.
There was a huge panic near the end of school, from what i heard someone had tried to kill the Hokage.
What if One-chan had gotten in the way? Was she just injured? Was she killed.
I knew nothing good had happened to her though.
I had seen Iruka when he was told of the news.
He kept looking at me and the other idiots in worry.
I slam open the door and see my mom and dad at the table looking glum.
"What happened? Where is she?" I ask
"Come sit..." my father tells me
I speed my way there and sit.
"Rin... she has..." my mom starts before she starts sobbing
"Shes dead..." i say tearing up
"No shes... shes alive but-" my mom tries to tell me
"Is she at the hospital? Why arent we there?" I demand standing up
"Sit down" my father commands
"Now listen to me... your sister is as good as dead, she tried to murder the Hokage..." he tells me
He puts a headband on the table.
"W-what... theres no way" i say not believing it.
I grab the headband and hold onto it tightly.
"Shikamaru.. i know this is hard but we ha..." my mother starts but i get up making my chair falll over.
I race out of the house and head to where ever my feet are going.
I end up at the park she i were at earlier today...
(Yes this is the day she left... this is a filler chapter till i can think of a good story line thing)
I sit under the tree we had watched the clouds pass by at.
I lay there and look up not seeing any clouds only the big empty blue sky.
I feel tears run along my cheeks.
Wiping them away i sniffle sitting back up and looking at Rin's headband.
One she was so proud of... there was a huge slice along the leafs logo.
Something that showed it belonged to a missing nin.
Crying harder i feel the necklace she had given me.
I put chakra in it like she had told me.
"Remember whenever you put chakra into this i will com running to you, i promise you"
My sisters voice rings in my head.
I continue trying for 10 minutes but she never comes....
I wait longer but still she doesnt appear with that smile she has...
I lay back down and try not to cry.
"Hey Shika...." chojis voice speaks
"Choji.... shes" i cry outload.
"I know shika..." he says sadly.

Kakashi's P.O.V.
I listened to the anbu report to us about the hokage. And then saying Rin was now wanted dead, she had betrayed the village

Walking away with Haru, only to part ways within 5 minutes, both if us needing space and time to think.
I walk to the KIA stone and read the same names that i have read repeatedly for the past years. But now reading my senseis name.
Rin had given me a reason to live, she taught me how to have friends...
"Kakashi the hokage wishes to see you" the anbu Monkey says.
I nod and he leaves.
I turn away from the stone and head to the hospital.
Knocking i wait for the old man to answer
"Come in " his voice says tiredly
"You wanted to see me" i ask
"Yes... i have a letter for you.... its from rin" he says watching my reaction.
He holds it up for me to take it
"Whatever she has said... keep it to yourself" he warns
I nod and look at him
"You may leave" the hokage says
I take my leave and head home to read in privacy.
Entering my house i sit down on my couch and slowly open the letter

'Hey Kaka....
So if youre reading this, i must have left the village... it may seem like i did in cold blood and at the most randomest of times.
But really i planned it for 2 years, it took forever.
Anyways i ask that you take care of Naruto, Sasuke and shika...
Also i signed you up to be a sensei so suprise'
I stop reading and sigh hating that she had done that
'Now i know you wont want to, like at all. But please, im sure you will get the worst team.
But i think it would be good for you.
Now what im about to tell, you can not tell anyone else, i mean it!
I didnt betray the village... the hokage asked me to go on a secret mission.
I have joined a group of S-classed missing nin the Akatsui.
I asked the hokage if i could tell one person and i chose you. Dont make me regret it.
I wont ever be welcomed back to the village not unless the hokage breaks the news.
Anyways i may be killed on this mission so please take care of my little brothers. Be there for them.
Also make sure to burn this... or rid of jt so it can never be found
Lots of love Rin'

I am shocked, but so very relieved.
She didnt betray the village but it didnt make any sense why would she actually injure the hokage.
Why would the hokage make her go on such a mission.
Shes younger than me.

Lighting candle, i place the letter above and watch as the paper burns.
Letting go once the fire reachs my fingers.
It falls to the floor and goes out.
I head to my room not bothering to clean the ashes.

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