Chapter 16

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we had reached Suna, careful as we entered.

we went to the Kages office to say we were here and ready to aid

Our team was lead to an area where we could tell a lot of fighting was happening

medical tents were set up, along with sleeping tents

"we need help in the front rows, can your team handle it?" a suna ninja asked that was leading us

"yes we can" i tell him

"good, you'll need to head there right away" the ninja says

we reach the war zone and see many dead bodies and dents in the ground.

"we are short on numbers so there aren't many fighting on the front lines. everyone has been told you will be here, the front lines are that way, once you get there ask for Baki" the ninja says before leaving

we race there and we are greeted by many injured suna ninjas.

"we're looking for baki" i say to someone i see. they point to a tent over on the far right

"thanks" i say simply before the team heads over.

we enter the tent and we are greeted by on male ninja

"you must be from the leaf, glad you could join us" the ninja we presume to be baki says

"which one of you is the team leader" he asks

we hadn't agreed one the team leader... which was stupid of us

"Bird is" Genko says

Haru agrees by nodding his head

"whats the plan?" mi ask stepping in front of the team.

"you're... a child" he says

"but i am strong, now what is it you need" i ask

"is there a medic, we need help with the injured" he tells us

"wolf will help, wolf head to the med tents" i tell Genko

genko nods and leaves us

"ok good, now then the front line is about 5 miles that ways, i ask you 4 head there with me so we can start to aid sunas small amount of ninja we have left" baki says

we head out and arrive, we see many already fighting.

"anyone wearing suna is now your comrade. begin, i have to get back and set up for our next action" baki says leaving

we all head forward killing each ninja not wearing a suna head band

we run into a group of suna that are sitting in a ditch with many injured

"who are you?" one asks standing with a kunai ready to attack

"Dog, Bear continue the fighting." i say and they leave

"we are the leaf nin sent to aid you" i say

the man lowers his kunai "either of you a medic?" the man asks

"yes i am, yondaime bring those able to travel back to base" i tell minato

"those that are able to travel, and that can carry injured please folloe Yondaime back to your base. those that are not able to i will stay back with your sections leader" i inform them

many start to move and get ready to leave.

there are injured people placed on peoples backs to be carried back.

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