Chapter 11

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after awhile sensei started to feel sick so he went to sleep too. i stayed up and continued to look out into the sea and the sky.

there were stars all along the sky and sadly no clouds to watch.

the captain had gone to take a nap leaving the crew in charge for a bit. i watched as the crew worked, they looked so normal doing what they did.

i honestly wouldn't mind working traveling along the sea like this everyday.

but i know my job is working missions with my team and returning to my village to my family and friends.

i decide to go and sleep, when i enter the room i see Haru puking in a bucket.

"ah haru" i say rushing to him, i rub his back and feel his forehead. His head hot and sweaty

i grab him and help him walk to the deck with the bucket in his hands.

i sit him against a pole and focus on healing him with my limited knowledge of it.

his face slowly releases from his look of pain and uneasiness until he leans over and rests his head on my shoulder

"i hate... boats" haru says with a raspy voice

i brush his hair away from his forehead and feel his forehead is still warm but definitely cooler than before.

"thank you" haru says before i hear his soft snores

i too fall asleep with my head placed on top of his.

when i wake i see genko and sensei talking with some crew members.

i look at haru that is sleeping soundly.

genko notices im awake and walks over grabbing haru so i could get up.

i stand and stretch my sore body.

"morning kiddo" sensei says handing me a plate of fish and rice.

i eat it slowly and look at everyone, a lot of people are smiling and laughing having a good time with each other.

i smile and look out to see and i see a small figure of land.
"well be there by late night or early morning" sensei tells me leaning against the railing.

i continue to chew my food glancing at sensei.

time flies by and we arrive.

haru still feels sick but he's definitely way better than when we were on the boat.

"sorry about last night" haru says as we jog

"its was no problem" i tell him

"it was embarrassing..." he tells me sighing

"no it wasn't, its normal for a lot of people" i tell him as we pick up the speed to a sprint.

we stop talking and focus on keeping up with our sensei.

i notice haru having trouble keeping up again.

i speed up reach sensei "slow down a bit, haru cant keep up" i tell sensei

sensei slows a little not really noticed by genko or haru.

i fall back into my position and look back at haru that's able to keep up better.

it is now 2 pm and we are apparently 30 minutes away from the next town where we planned to stop and eat.

it would be another day and a half or so till we reach kiri and all of us were fairly tired.

as we run we do flips and other tricks to pass time better, of course sensei doesn't agree with us wasting our energy but in the end he ends up showing us all up.

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