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The welcome home party for Riker and Savannah was in full swing. It wasn't a big party but there were a lot of people that wanted to see them.
Everyone was relieved to have them home so there was lots of laughing and singing and hugging going on. In the midst of it all, Riker managed to slip outside after sharing a knowing smile with his sister. Minutes later Savannah noticed and followed him out to the garden.
She found him by the families fire pit, gazing into the flames.
"You okay?" She asked, sitting beside him. "Yeah," he answered, "just thinking"
"About what?"
"You!" He replied with a grin
Savannah just smiled as Riker continued.
"We've been through a lot recently. For a while I thought I had lost you. But the truth is, I never gave up hope. I realised something while I was searching for you," Riker pause for a moment, trying not to get too emotional, " I realised that I can't live with out you... I don't want to live without you... ever. You are my everything and I never want to lose you again."
He got down on one knee and took his girlfriend's hand in his,

"Savannah Latimer, will you be mine forever?"

She smiled widely and dropped to her knees beside him and threw her arms around him. Riker gazed into his true loves eyes, "You and me forever?" He asked. She kissed him passionately before whispering in his ear


Forever - The Final Book in the 'Missing' Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now