Savannah held her breath as she walked down another corridor. This place was like a labyrinth with four or five rooms in every corridor. But all the doors were locked. Every time she saw another door Savannah heart would beat faster but her hopes of finding a way out were slowly diminishing as each door she tried left her feeling more and more empty.

She turned another corner only to find herself in front of three doors. She didn't get her hopes up but tried the doors anyway. The first two were locked tight as usual but when she tried the last door, it slowly creaked open just enough to poke her head in. Behind the door was a large bare room with smooth wooden flooring and a mirror wall that Savannah instantly recognised as a dance studio (having practically grown up in one). She wandered in as memories of her childhood in her mother's dance studio flooded her mind. Tears began to fall and when she saw her reflection in the mirror it only made her more upset.
She fell to the ground and began to sob. She cried for her parents and her sister, for all those happy memories of dance classes and recitals, for her friends, but most of all she cried for Riker. She loved him with everything she had and being away from him now only cemented that feeling more.

Just then she thought she heard a banging sound coming from somewhere. It was faint and it stopped after a few seconds so she shrugged it off.
Looking at her tear stained face in the mirror she realised something. She knew she couldn't stay in that room all day and cry. She had to find a way out and back to her family and Riker. She stood up and walked closer to the mirror. She used her sleeve to dry her and she fixed her hair as best she could before turning and leaving the room, her mind made up.
It was time to stop feeling sorry for herself and do something about it. It was time to get out of here.

Forever - The Final Book in the 'Missing' Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now