"Your brother is dead. Just like his little girlfriend. Don't bother trying to find either of them. You won't. Enjoy your life.  -B."

2 weeks later.

Riker groggily opened his eyes. He looked around the room in confusion, forgetting for a moment where he was and what had happened. When he did remember, tear stung his eyes, threatening to fall. He didn't know how long he'd been imprisoned in this room or where the room even was. He could be in Timbuktu for all he knows. But he didn't care. All he could think of was Savannah. He had left the hospital in a panic trying to find her and ended up in this tiny prison. He failed her. Tears dripped down his face as he thought of her and the family he had left behind. His memories of them had returned a day or two after he was thrown into the room. He missed them more then he could say.

Suddenly he heard footsteps outside the door. This didn't startled him. He knew it was Brian. The psycho came every day at this time with some kind of slop for Riker to eat. The dog flap in the door would open and the plate would be pushed in. Riker waited for his daily dose of puke on a plate but this time it never came. This time, there was a fumbling noise and then a small click. Riker listened in shock as the brian walked away and his footsteps got less and less quiet. He stood up and made his way to the door. Holding his breath he pushed it slightly with the tips of his fingers. He cracked a small smile as the door opened. The smile soon left his face when he began to wonder why Brian had done this. Surely he wasn't letting Riker go? Shrugging the thoughts away, Riker stepped cautiously out into the corridor, holding his breath as he explored the rest of his prison...

To be continued.....

Forever - The Final Book in the 'Missing' Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now