
He woke up with a new determination the next day. Once again finding the door unlocked, Riker went straight down to the room with the doors. He had intended to go straight to the mirror room, but something in the back of his mind was telling him to try the other doors again. Just like every other day, he tried the first door, it wouldn't budge. He tried the next door and, unlike every other day, it swung open. Riker didn't know whether to feel excited or nervous. Why now? He couldn't help bit wonder, after all this time, why was the door open now?
He opened the door a little more and walked in slowly. The room beyond the door was completely dark. No windows, no lights, the only light in the room was coming from the now open door. But Riker wasn't looking around the room. He was looking at the object in the middle of the room, illuminated by the shaft of light from the door. A Hammer. The whole room was empty except for a small hammer on the floor. If Riker was confused before he was now. He cautiously bent down and picked up the hammer. He waited a few seconds but nothing happened. He was still uneasy about the whole thing, but Riker was never one to turn down an opportunity. He took one last quick look around the room before leaving and pulling the door behind him.

Back in the mirror room Riker did only thing that came to mind. He struck the mirror with the hammer. He smiled as a few small cracks began to snake across the glass. He knew it was enough but it was a start. He kept hammering the glass and finally, after almost 20 minutes, there was a creaking sound and Riker just managed to duck out the door before the whole mirror shattered into a million pieces and at the same time, an ear splitting scream tore through the whole building.

Forever - The Final Book in the 'Missing' Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now