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He watched the young girl from the shadows, following her as she walked home. She was particularly beautiful, with fiery red hair and curvy figure, and he couldn't get her out of her mind. He knew he had to have her. He followed her all the way home and waited for the lights to go out. Once they did he snuck into the house and found the girls room. He quickly and quietly grabbed something from the floor and shoved it in her mouth as a gag. Un Surprisingly she woke up and began to struggle frantically. He whacked her head against the bed frame and she was knocked unconscious. He carried her off, stole a car and drove to an abandoned building he had found a few days ago. Once there he tied the girl to a bed frame in a room at the top of a tower and proceeded to live out all his fantasies about the girl. He did did this multiple times and each time, when he was done, he would lock the door and mark the door, one line for each time. One day he went into the room and found the girl was dead. Panicking he called the police anonymously and ran from the building. Days later pictures of the building and the room at the top of the tower were all over the news and the internet.

Not wanting to be caught, the man stayed in the shadows. Until another girl caught his eye. A girl with medium length brunette hair and skinny figure walking alone to her apartment.....

Forever - The Final Book in the 'Missing' Trilogy.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें