
Savannah hadn't been able to sleep all night. The voices kept her up. Her mom, her sister, her friends, all of them taunting her, telling her she's worthless, that she should just kill herself because she was never gonna get out of this hell hole.
At first she knew they weren't real and she tried to ignore them. But by the time breakfast arrived she was beginning to lose her mind. That's when she saw him. Riker. Not just a voice this time. He was there. Standing right in front of her, telling her what she had been hearing all night.

That's when she broke.

She spent the morning listening to him shouting at her about how she's a nothing, he never loved her, he's glad she's gone, ect.
By lunch she was a broken mess, sobbing on her bed. But things only got worse. Riker amd the others were still shouting at her as she begged him to stop, tears streaming down her face. Over and over they yelled until their voices became one. "You're worthless, you're nothing, no-one loves you, kill yourself!" Suddenly, as the voices swelled to a crescendo, the sound of glass shattering filled the building and Savannah let out an ear splitting scream.

Forever - The Final Book in the 'Missing' Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now