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Savannah sighed as she carved another line in the wall by her bed. She didn't even count them anymore. It was just out of habit. She couldn't remember how long she'd been here. Somewhere close to three months she guessed. Every day was the same as the one before. She never saw Brian. He kept her locked up in her own personal tower. Coming by once a day to feed her. She had lost any hope she had of getting out a long time ago. This was her life now.
She lay back on her little bed stared at the ceiling. Daydreaming was her only pastime in here and most days all she could think about was Riker.
Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Brian's footsteps. She sat up and waited for the plate to be shoved in the dog flap. It didn't come. Instead she heard a shuffling noise and a small click before Brian walked away again.

She walked cautiously towards the door, not knowing what to expect and gave it a small push. She let out a deep breath she didn't realise she'd been holding in. She nervously peeked out the door. Savannah knew Brian would never let her out so what was this about? She walked quietly out of her room and gazed down the corridor, wondering what could await her in the rest of her prison....

To be continued...

Forever - The Final Book in the 'Missing' Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now