The Ghost

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The gigantic house was in darkness when Oswald Cobblepot returned that night. Not a light was lit inside the house, making it look almost haunted, just like his father said it was. As he opened the door a strong gust of wind left as the door creaked. He hobbled in, a look of annoyance dancing on his face as he grunted impatiently, "have you heard from the Miss Black yet?"

"No one's heard anything, boss," Butch replied, strutted in behind the Penguin and closing the door behind him with a slam.

"This Mrs Black, is very unprofessional," he huffed, stomping past the living room clad in mayoral decorations and going towards the dining room.

"Careful, I wouldn't say stuff like that too loudly... ya never know who could be listenin',"

"Shut up, Butch!" He screeched, his arm going up in the air in exasperation as his other held his cane, he turned around to Butch, facing away from the dining room, "you go on and on about this underworld queen and how powerful and terrifying she is, yet the moment I'm meant to meet her, she's nowhere to be found! She's not this 'ghost', she's a lie!"

A light flickered on behind Pengiun, Butch's eyes went wide and his lip quivered slightly. Oswald's confusion grew at the sight of the muscled man before quickly spinning around and facing the seemingly haunted lamp. The two men creeped closer to the lamp, examining the light as if it would burn or maim them in some way. A silky smooth and yet somehow chilling laugh sounded from the behind them again in the sitting room before the sound of the garbage disposal went off in the kitchen... which was to their left in front of them. A clicking of heels was heard through the floorboards above them.

"What's happening?" The Penguin gulped, eyes shifting between Butch and the random activities of his perceived haunted house.

"Don't you have a maid?" He uttered, both strutting into the kitchen and turning off the screeching sound of the garbage disposal.

"At this time of night?"

They began walking to where the sound of laugher was once heard, walking past the dining room and into the lounge room which had now apparently been constructed as a campaign room. They stopped in their tracks, searching for anything that could give away the stranger in his home.

A crashing sound echoed around the room coming from the sitting room he had been in earlier today when he received Miss Black's phone call. Oswald limped into the room, flicking the lights on and gasping in shock at his father's portrait on the ground. The chess set had fallen all except for the white queen, who stood proudly in the middle of the board. The penguins eyes narrowed.

"Butch!" he called, noticing the man was nowhere near him.

"Boss!" Gilzean's head popped around the corner to lock eyes with the king of the underworld, "The lamps on again!" he spoke, blood running cold as he ran back around to the dining room, the lamp was on but still no one was there.

That lamp. That damn lamp, Oswald swore he'd throw it out a window when he got the chance. He thought as he stumbled into the room. "This is ridiculous!" He squawked, grabbing the lamp and throwing it against the wall, just missing the window. It shattered on to the hardwood floor, the bulb fizzing out as it hit the ground.

"So is having a hundred pictures of yourself in your own house," A velvety and poised voice spoke from behind. They both to look at each other in confusion and shock before simultaneously turning around to where the voice called. The lights in the room lit up, exposing the unimpressed looking woman.

They stared at the woman seated at the head of the table, her elbow resting on the table supporting her head which leant on it. She sat back against the chair arm, as she looked up at the two men. Dark brown coloured hair cascaded graciously over one shoulder, lips painted in nothing but gloss as her lashes fluttered open. She held a sense of pride and control, although her face seemed sweet; she looked like someone who had complete control of not only herself but all those around her.

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