The Cook

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"Alfred!" Bruce called from down the hall.

"On it, Master Bruce!" Alfred spoke, quick on his feet and rushing to the front door. It was almost 10pm. Why would anyone be knocking at this hour? Alfred muttered under his breath, "who could that be at this hour,"

Peeping through the hole in the door, the butler could only see the long black hair of the person facing away from the door.

"I hope you know it is crass to be knocking at this-" he began, only to be quickly cut off by the breath stopping in his throat as the woman turned to face him. How could this be?

"Hello Alfred," she politely greeted in the dark of the night, her ever present smile directed at him warmly.

"Edith," he gaped, his mouth turning dry suddenly, "Edith, what are you doing here?"

"I am sorry for not informing you at an earlier time. My visit was unexpected for me as well," she explained, brushing the hair from her face and flashing him those eyes she knew would make him run circles around her. She continued, "I was hoping you would not mind taking me in for a week,"

"Did she send you here?" He interrogated further, furrowing his brow. Why else would she be here?

The woman sighed slightly, "she did... but I wanted to. We're overdue, Alfie,"

"It has been a long time, Eddi," he agreed, his eyes taking in every inch of her. She looked the same, if not more beautiful.

"Far too long."

"You are always welcome here, nonetheless," Alfred informed, holding out his hand towards her.

"Thank you, Alfred, I appreciate your kindness," Edith took his hand lightly, relishing in the feeling of his warmth. His touch was so familiar, it felt like home should. It had indeed been far too long....

"Please come in, it's chilly tonight," 

She halted, "I do not want to ask too much of you... I have had to bring along a guest of my own," she explained, stepping aside and revealing the small figure latched to her leg.

"Who is this?" Alfred wondered aloud, taking in the small figure, covered in dark clothing and nuzzled in closely to the woman. 

"This is Roman, my grandson," she introduced, nudging the boy slightly, only leading to him holding on tighter. 

"Grandson?" he wondered, taking in the small boy. He couldn't have been much older than four, with curly brown hair atop his head and large brown eyes catching glances every so often.

She nodded lightly, seeing the saddened look in his eyes.

"Alfred! Who is it?"

Alfred looked back through the door, catching sight of the young master coming nearer. Looking back at Edith, he could see the joy light up her face, of course she had missed him as well. 

"Master Bruce, we have a guest staying with us for a while. Do you remember... ?"

"Edith!" He shouted with glee, quickly enveloping her tightly, "of course I remember you!"

How could he forget? Edith had previously lived with them and worked as a cook since Bruce was young. She was kind and never minded the young boys messes when he wished to help in the kitchen, or taking a break from her cooking to teach him. 

"Bruce you've grown so big! I hope it's no trouble myself and Roman staying here," 

"No, no problem at all," Bruce agreed, looking down at the child as he peeked straight back up at him.

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