You blushes at the compliment, "Thanks, Erin. But this feels too fancy...."

"Trust. Me. Have I ever led you astray?" Erin asked.


"Shut up," Erin cut you off, and you couldn't help but smile.

"Are you sure I won't be overdressed for wherever it is that I'm going?" you asked, hesitant.

She just fiercely nodded as she found a pair of heels and handed them to you for you to take. You took them but didn't put them on yet because you had a lot of time.

Erin dragged you out of the closet and sat you down and started doing your makeup. You just let her do what she wanted because she seemed super excited. You put on red lipstick and she finally finished by giving your hair loose curls. You stood up, putting on your heels and looking in the mirror. You felt way too extravagant, but you also felt a wave of confidence as you looked at yourself in the mirror.

You realized it was almost 6:30 and you walked down the stairs to wait. Soon enough, you heard a honking horn.

That was weird.

Why hadn't he come to ring the doorbell?

Nevertheless, you turned to Erin and gave her a hug, saying thanks and bye as you turned away and opened the front door to leave. You had your purse and phone and had put on your heels and were all set as you walked out. Erin had shut the door behind you and that's when you noticed the limo in the street. You looked around, but there was no sign of Sebs car.


You walked over to the limo when all of a sudden the window rolled down from the front.

"Are you (y/n)?" the voice called out.

"Yes!" you replied.


You hesitated before opening the door and stepping inside. You had only ever been in a limo once and it was to prom. You sat down and closed the door behind you.

"Where's Sebastian?" you asked.

"He's meeting you."

lOh okay...where are we going?" you asked.

"He said not to tell you." You rolled your eyes and he started driving.

It was an awkward silence the whole ride.

After a while, you eventually stopped. You hadn't been looking out the window, and when you did it was a big fancy old-looking building. People were surrounding it, all wearing fancy dresses and masks.


They were all wearing ball gowns.

You hadn't noticed your chauffeur had stepped out and walked around.

"Okay, this is your stop, Miss. Enjoy," said your chauffeur as he opened the door for you.

You thanked him as you stepped out, still confused as you began walking.

"Wait, miss! I almost forgot!" came a shout and you turned around to see him hurrying towards you.

He was holding something, and when he handed it to you, it was a mask. It was silver and red and very pretty and you put it on before proceeding. This all felt so weird and exciting. You wondered where or how you would find Sebastian. You eventually found yourself in line, gave your name and walked inside. You walked, following the crowd, until you came to the ballroom. No wonder Erin had made you dress so nice. This was amazing....


Time passed and you wondered where Sebastian was. You searched every man in a suit that you came across, looking for his familiar features. You were still waiting, when all of a sudden, a man asked you to dance. You turned around and were disappointed to see a pair of green eyes staring back at you from underneath the mask.

You hesitated before agreeing- what did you have to lose?

You danced for a bit before parting from the man and going to get yourself some punch. You were taking a sip of your punch when all of a sudden, you felt a presence behind you.

Then, hands were on your waist. You spun around and almost choked when your eyes met those familiar blue eyes that you'd been searching for for a while.

lSebastian..." you breathed out.

You looked him up and down as you felt him doing the same.

His voice was low, "You are looking sexy."

His words caused your breath to hitch as his eyes were staring at your lips. Your heart was racing and you took a deep breath as his hands still gripped your waist.

"You...too..." you stammered, at a loss for words.

He took a step back before holding out his hand, "Come on, let's dance."

1375 words

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