Chapter One

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Madison's head was pounding in a ridiculous way as the sunlight from the large bay window in the room she was in streamed in obscenely. She shouldn't have had that last Soju shot, or the one before that, or the one before that.... Damn.

Her throat was dry and cottony, and she shifted to grab the glass tumbler on her night stand only to be hindered by a warm hand that was draped oh so casually across her middle.

She was supposed to be celebrating her move to Seoul, Korea, focusing on the new job she had secured after a kick ass interview, as an event manager for one of the major music shows in Korea. She was excited to move up the corporate ladder and finally be able to kick down the sexism barriers people had warned her about when she declared she was going to move. Finally people were going to see past her age (a young and technologically savvy twenty year old), and actually take her seriously.

Nowhere in her master plan had included time wasted on boys, men, anyone of the opposite sex for that matter. So this warm distraction, that was sporting an impressive morning wood that pressed eagerly into her backside, was not welcome.

She had never done this before; sex was incredibly intimate for her, one night stands were not her thing and probably never going to be. Rolling over looking at the large clock on her bedside, she only had twenty minutes before she was going to be officially late for her new job. Jumping up and detaching herself from her bed fellow, she was finally able to get a good look at him.

He clearly missed her body, his hands were reaching out for her, and out of pity she shoved a pillow between them to placate him. Who was this kid? He looked innocent as he slept, his fringe covering his forehead. He certainly looked younger than she was. Madison face palmed herself, both mentally and physically. It was bad enough that she had brought this guy home, but the fact that he seemed like he hadn't even turned twenty yet, made her feel like a cougar.

She couldn't think about this right now, as she grabbed her robe and ventured into her kitchenette to turn on the coffee maker. Her father's connections had secured her a great apartment in Gangnam not too far away from her workplace. Taking her coffee to the bathroom, she began preparing quickly for the day ahead. Finally after wrestling her caramel coloured curls into a poofy ponytail, she was about to throw on her white blazer over her sheer peacock coloured blouse, when she stopped short.

She still had a problem to deal with, he was still sound asleep in her bed, the sound of running water and her off-key singing not enough to jar him out of la-la-land. Ugh.

The kid clearly needed the rest; she decided to leave him, turning to prepare a quick breakfast for him when he got up. She may be playing ding-dong-ditch, but at least she was mannerly about it. Battling a hangover on an empty stomach never boded well for her, and she was sure it was the same for him.

Leaving a spread of fruit and yogurt and croissants out for him, and a packaged lunch bag for herself, she was about to leave the apartment when her Louboutins caught on a pair of jeans and underwear that looked way too familiar by the door. She blushed in spite of herself and tucked the underwear into her bottomless tote, bending to reach in the pocket for the some form of identification of her suitor. His wallet was brown leather, and was thick, full of cards and money. His phone was in the other pocket, vibrating none stop. She switched it to loud, and placed it on the kitchen table.

Pulling out one of his credit cards, she flipped it over and read his name quickly. "Jeon Jungkook."

"Well, Jungkook, I would stay around to chat but I'm way too late for this shit." She folded his jeans quickly and hung them over the table in her foyer, before grabbing her keys, her commuter cup and heading out of the door.

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