Chapter 9 - An Inconvenience

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Maybe I'm walking into the lion's den and will be miserably chewed and discarded, but I know it's the right thing to do. I thought Rose would clean herself after the nasty ball hit, return and sit it out on the bench, but she never came back and I felt worried. Cooper was in a foul mood the rest of the match and even punched the drinks fridge. It wasn't strong enough to break it, but he did leave a dent on the side.

The atmosphere in the changing room was charged with negative energy when we entered. Willow didn't even ask me to go and have lunch with her. In fact, she seemed to even avoid me. Maybe she finally got the hint that I want to keep my distance.

It's a missed chance that Cooper didn't give us a pep talk after what was an excellent training session with the men's team. They had no pity on us and a few balls made it to the net behind me. I even stopped one right before it could hit me in the face, but the shock helped me to pay better attention, feel determined and predict the moves of my pitch enemies. A few guys even clapped me on my back after a few saves, which I assume means I earned some respect. One more week for the first real game and I feel as ready as I'll ever be.

I couldn't find a parking spot nearby the mall entrance, which is terribly irritating as it is only Monday evening, and all that was available was towards the end of the grounds. I'll consider it a workout and make peace with the situation. Inside, the colorful window displays try to distract me from my goal but I stride to my destination. I can always go shopping afterwards if I'm still in the mood.

I hesitate in front of the café entrance and can see her standing behind the counter, staring at the phone in her hand and sporting a concerned look.

"Hello, what will you have?" She places the phone in her pocket and lifts her head. "Oh..."

"A capuccino, please."

Rose regains her dignity, nods and enters the order. I hand her the money and after giving me the change, she goes to prepare my coffee while I sit at a nearby table. She didn't yell at me or kicked me out of the shop, and so to see she's fine. I will just finish my drink and head home.

Two young girls dressed in the café uniforms enter and head behind the counter. Rose talks with them in a low voice and they nod. She then walks around the counter holding not one, but two beverages that she places on the table where I sit. I was about to protest and say I didn't order two, and feel alarmed when she sits in front of me.

She stares at her cup and I feel lost about what to do or say next.


"Why do you hate me, Rose?"

"Are all Dutch so direct? I don't hate you. I only find you an inconvenience," she catches herself before rolling her eyes.

"I guess the Brits have no filter then."

"I like to call it honesty," she shrugs as she spoons some of the white foam.

"If you are concerned about Cooper, you should know I have no interest in him."

Rose snorts and smiles as she looks at the customers entering the café.

"I know. He has thrown himself at you more times that I can count since he met you. Proven he's still a man slut."

We drink our coffees in silence while I think about what to say next.

"Did you and him..."

"Take a toss on the sheets? We did, and it was bad judgment. He is okay-ish most of the time, can be a good friend when he wants, but is no boyfriend material. Cooper is only interested in himself and winning the cup. Where's your friend Willow?"

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