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"Babe, the previews are about to start! You want me to pause it?" Bucky called from the living room as he situated himself on the sofa, pulling up his fuzzy, chunky teal socks.

"No, I'm coming," Steve reassured as he left the kitchen. Carefully trying not to spill Bucky's tea or his black coffee as he stepped over their Malchi Terrier, Thor, as the older dog soaked up the sun coming in through the dining room windows. Curiously, Thor lifted his head to watch Steve with his single eye before lazily resting his head back on the sun-warmed hardwood floor.

Steve easily continued down the hallway, passing by the many photos that had been taken over the years. Most of them were of Steve and Bucky fully embracing the adventures that The List provided. Reenacting the sensual pottery scene from Ghost (#3). Safely releasing baby turtles into the ocean (#12). And for a full month they backpacked through Europe (#5). So they could put a Love Lock on the Pont des Art Bridge in Paris (#81). Stomp grapes in Italy (#24). See Holland in bloom (#87). They even saw the Sistine Chapel, just for Steve.

Their four year anniversary was quickly approaching, but it had passed in a blink. A lot had happened. Laura and Clint had married. Natasha was in a serious relationship with a renowned scientist, Bruce. Wanda had taken up activism, and while spreading good will overseas, she struck up a relationship with an intelligent and kind British fella. Then there was Tony and Pepper who were happily awaiting the birth of their first child. And to everyone's surprise, Sharon and Sam had started seeing each other romantically.

Pictures of them, along with some original artwork by Steve, all hung on the many walls of Steve and Bucky's cozy two bedroom home. So much love had been expressed in those four years. More love than Steve could've even imagined. At times, Steve found himself just sitting there knowing that he was the luckiest bastard in the entire universe.

Reaching the living room, Steve paused in the entryway as he watched the love of his life. Sitting there on their charcoal double chaise sectional sofa with a fuzzy baby blue throw blanket wrapped around him, making him look positively cozy. With his hair elegantly pulled back into a French braid, Steve was sure that he had never seen someone so beautiful before. Steve's chest tightened, knowing that there really wasn't anyone else that Steve could even imagine being with.

As though Bucky could feel Steve watching him, he turned and fixed his beautiful eyes on Steve. Bucky gave Steve a sweet smile as he patted the spot next to him. "C'mon pal, you know you love the previews."

Steve couldn't deny that. Steve crossed the room and butterflies started hatching from their chrysalis in his stomach as he handed Bucky his tea. Bucky went to take a drink, but paused when he noticed the mug.

"Is this new?" Bucky asked, looking over the white mug with blue handle.

Taking his spot beside Bucky, Steve confirmed, "It is."

Bucky turned the mug and found hand painted blue roller blades. A large grin crinkled all the way up to Bucky's eyes when he turned his attention to Steve and asked, "Did you do this?"

"I did," Steve confirmed, trying to play it nonchalant despite his hands growing suspiciously clammy.

"What's the occasion?" Bucky questioned, taking a drink and settling against Steve's strong chest.

"Just thought you'd like it," Steve lied.

Bucky rolled his eyes, but the smile stayed on his face as he mused for the umpteenth time since knowing Steve, "You're somethin' else, you know that?"

"So I've been told," Steve replied with a wink. Cupping Bucky's face, Steve leaned in to give Bucky a sweet kiss.

As they curled into each other to watch the movie, Steve couldn't help but keep track of how full Bucky's mug was. Steve had planned it all. Now he just had to wait. And wait.  And...  Every time Bucky took a drink, Steve's heart started to race just a little more.

When Bucky's mug was more than half empty, Steve excused himself. Bucky's brows furrowed and Bucky asked, "Do you want me to pause it?"

Steve hesitated and turned to look back at the TV. After a moment, Steve answered, "Sure." Steve's heart was positively pounding in his chest as Bucky took another drink and Steve asked, "I'm going to get some more coffee. Do you want some more tea?"

"That'd be perfection," Bucky teased, pausing the movie. As Bucky took another drink of his tea, Steve rushed out of the room. Bucky softly chuckled while his brows furrowed and he wondered what was up with his handsome boyfriend.

Finishing off his tea, Bucky was about to set the mug down when he noticed that there was writing in the bottom of the mug. Focusing on the writing, Bucky read Steve's handwriting: Marry me?

Bucky's heart stuttered and everything seemed to slow in that moment. Bucky turned to get Steve only to find Steve kneeling to the side of the sofa. In Steve's hand was a plain ring box, and on Steve's face was a tender, apprehensive grin.

Softly Steve asked, "Well? You ready to cross this off The List?"

Bucky set the mug on the coffee table in front of him and swiftly made his way over to Steve. Without a word, Bucky affectionately tackled Steve to the floor, causing the muscular blond to let out a huff of air in his surprise. Straddling Steve, Bucky sensually pressed a deep kiss to Steve's lips.

"Is that a yes?" Steve teased.

"Of course, it is, you punk," Bucky fondly ran a finger along Steve's bearded jaw.

"Good," Steve exhaled a sigh of relief as he tucked a wayward strand behind Bucky's ear. Allowing his touch to linger for a moment before reaching down to remove the 18k yellow gold channel set diamond ring from the box. With steady hands, Steve placed the ring in its rightful place on Bucky's left ring finger and admired the way it looked.

"Ya know," Steve started. Bucky hummed and placed his chin on Steve's chest as he moved his hand up so he could look at the ring and at Steve. Steve continued, "I think it wouldn't be so bad to be repeatedly pummeled by you."

Bucky shook his head and rolled his eyes, but he couldn't keep the smile from his face. Steve traced Bucky's prominent jaw with the pads of his fingers and knew that everything that had happened had been leading them to that moment. And there wasn't a single thing that Steve regretted.

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now