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With no surprise to anyone, Steve arrived late to Tony and Pepper's luxurious house in the beautiful Hollywood Hills. Steve was the last of the group to show up, which wasn't unusual; Steve liked to get there when things were already in full swing. Plus, Steve was typically the type of person who waited until the last minute to leave.

"It's about damn time," Tony loudly teased as Steve stepped into the foyer. Tony was carrying a tray with strategically crafted shrimp cocktails and waited for Steve to slip off his sneakers before greeting the younger man with a side hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Steve gestured towards the tray and asked, "You need any help?"

"No, I got it," Tony playfully rolled his eyes, leading the way down to the finished basement where they usually had game night.

One of the reasons why they had game night at Tony and Pepper's was because their house was the largest and could comfortably hold their friend group. Another reason was because Tony and Pepper's lavish Hollywood Hills house had a home theater, so if they didn't necessarily want to play games, they could watch a movie. Plus, they usually had over the top, yet still delicious, snacks.

As Steve followed Tony down to the basement, he could hear the loud voices of their friends. Everyone seemed to be talking over one another, so Steve wasn't sure what was being argued, but Steve could guess that it probably had something to do with picking a game. Especially when Sam noticed Steve and proclaimed, "Let's ask Steve; see what he thinks!"

Pausing, Steve playfully widened his eyes as he looked over his friends. Everyone was quiet then and all turned their attention to the muscular blond; all waiting for Steve to make the final decision.

"Well," Steve started and made his way over to sit next to Sharon -- sidestepping Bucky on his way -- and plopped down. Trying not to notice the hurt and confusion twisting Bucky's stupidly handsome face, Steve cleared his throat and asked the group, "What are the choices?" Then, trying to appear at ease, Steve cockily teased, "Or do you want me to suggest something?"

Several people in the group disagreed with Steve's suggestion and Sharon playfully swatted Steve's thigh while speaking everyone's mind, "No one wants to play Pictionary again."

Steve just rolled his eyes, even though there was a grin attractively stretching Steve's face. A grin that caused Bucky's heavily furrowed brow to ease and a small smile to tug at his own lips. Of course, Steve purposely didn't look at Bucky. After all, Steve couldn't help but try and distance himself with the earlier implications from Sam and Clint.

"We don't have to play a game," Clint suggested.

"It's game night," Wanda argued.

Laura simply shook her head from beside Clint, as though she was disappointed to be Clint's girlfriend. Clint didn't seem to mind though. Instead, Clint buried his face in Laura's neck.

Steve turned his attention elsewhere. It wasn't often that Steve was jealous of couples, especially not when it came to Clint. However, it felt like cement had been poured into his gut in his loneliness, and Steve averted his gaze to his phone.

Even though Steve had been using his phone as a distraction ploy, he found a few messages from some of his regular booty calls. Some had titillating pictures attached to the messages as well. Of course, it wasn't an entirely new notion. Steve had many people who wanted to spend their nights with Steve and among those people, many tried to persuade Steve that if he chose them, he wouldn't be sorry.

"Holy god," Sharon exclaimed, noticing the dickpic that had been sent to Steve.

Steve blushed and immediately pulled the phone close to his chest, trying not to bring any more attention to himself. Thanks to Sharon's outburst though, most of their friends were looking at them. Sharon tried to grab Steve's phone, so she could get a better look at the picture and criticize it.

"Everything okay?" Tony questioned with an amused quirk of his brow.

"Yup," Steve and Sharon simultaneously stated. The two exchanged a glance with each other and then they burst out into a fit of giggles.

Sharon feigned deep offense, but once she noticed that Bucky was watching them, she softly laughed and asked, "Barton, you figure out what game yet?"

"Damn it, Carter," Clint sighed as the group's attention was back on him.

Mockingly, Sharon blew Clint a kiss and settled back into the comfy sofa. Briefly, Sharon chanced a glance at Bucky. When his attention was also on Clint, Sharon looked next to her to Steve. Steve was messaging with one of the many contacts in his phone.

Discreetly, Sharon harshly elbowed Steve's ribs. "Ouch," Steve whispered, looking over at Sharon.

Not wanting to say anything because she didn't want to draw attention again, Sharon's brows were furrowed and she cleverly gestured in the direction of Bucky. Steve's eyes followed. When he turned back to look at Sharon, his brows were furrowed as though he wasn't sure what Sharon was referring to. Especially when Sharon gave Steve's phone a pointed look.

"We could do running charades," Natasha suggested.

Since Steve was oblivious -- either intentionally or genuine -- Sharon simply rolled her eyes and directed her attention to the rest of their friends. Steve also rolled his eyes. Sometimes, Sharon could be extremely immature. But so could Steve.

Sam shook his head and protested Natasha's suggestion, "Last time I nearly busted my ass. No way are we doing that again."

"You're no fun," Natasha childishly stuck her tongue out at Sam.

Teasingly, Sam questioned, "You gonna rub my groin when I pull it?"

Never backing down from a challenge, Natasha answered, "Don't I always?"

Even though Sam wanted to keep his poker face, he couldn't. Sam crumpled with a loud laugh and stood up. Dramatically, Sam climbed over the coffee table and leaned over to give Natasha a playful kiss. Sam pulled back once the kiss was over, but didn't go back to his seat. Companionably leaning in once again to softly, lovingly press a kiss to Natasha's lips.

At the platonic display of affection, Steve couldn't help but glance at Bucky. There was a small, fond smile on Bucky's naturally red lips, and Steve longed to replicate that color for his artwork. Steve had never seen anyone as beautiful as Bucky.

Feeling eyes on him, Bucky looked over at Steve. Immediately, Steve dropped his gaze. After all, Steve didn't want to seem too interested in Bucky. The whole allure to Steve was that he wasn't entirely attainable. It was all a part of the game.

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now