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Steve awoke to find the bed to be empty.  After rubbing his eyes, he got a good look at Bucky's bedroom for the first time.  It was a decent size room with the king size bed taking up a good chunk of space in the center.  Two bedside tables on either side with the one on the left having a stylish vintage alarm clock and a picture of Bucky with his family posing in front of a light house on a windy day.  The table to the right had a short stack of books ranging from poetry to adapted fiction.

Directly across the bed was a dresser that held some more books and a few more framed pictures.  Along those, Steve could make out some from Bucky's former ballet career.

Stretching, Steve let out a deep yawn, trying to ignore just how tired he was.  As Steve turned, throwing his legs off the edge of the bed, Steve wondered what time it was.  Across from him were two windows but each had black curtains that were effectively blocking out any sunlight.

Looking over his shoulder to the alarm clock, Steve noticed that it was just a little before eight o'clock.  Thankfully, that left Steve with plenty of time to still get back to his place and get ready for work.  It was odd, Steve didn't usually spend the night after a hook up.  Especially not when he had work the next day.

The previous night had been different though.  Steve couldn't pin point what exactly was different from his long list of past hook ups; he just knew that it was.  It just was.  Maybe it was the way that Bucky called him out on his bullshit.  Or maybe it was simply because Bucky was Steve's latest object of affection.  Whether it was Bucky himself or just the idea of Bucky, Steve wasn't sure.

Steve quickly got dressed in his clothes from the night before.  Crossing the room, he confidently headed for the bathroom.  Although he wanted to explore the space some more.  Perhaps check out the door to the left that probably belonged to a closet.  However, Steve didn't have a lot of time to spare and he briefly knocked on the door to the right.  When there was no answer, Steve opened the door and entered the bathroom.

Occasionally, Steve checked his phone to make sure that he was on time.  But Steve was efficient as he took care of his morning business and was exiting the bathroom in no time.  Instead of going back through the bedroom, Steve used the other door.

"...Okay," Bucky spoke into his phone.  He was sitting at the kitchen island, facing away from where Steve was standing.  There was a mug of coffee in front of Bucky and what appeared to be an open notebook as well.  Although Steve wouldn't have minded if he found Bucky still naked, he wasn't opposed to the blue and teal striped tank and gray joggers.  Over his right shoulder, Bucky had gathered his seemingly soft brown hair.

Steve stood there for a moment, observing the brunet briefly before deciding to make himself be known.  Trying to be quiet because Bucky was on the phone, Steve silently moved around the island to the coffee machine on the counter.

Covering the mouthpiece, Bucky quietly told Steve, "Above the maker."

In the cabinet above the coffee maker, Steve opened it to reveal an assortment of glasses and mugs.  Steve smirked and grabbed a mug.  It was a floral mug and Steve was thankful that the coffee seemed to be freshly made.

"There's coffee creamer in the fridge," Bucky softly spoke as Steve turned around to face him.  Steve glanced over at the fridge with a quirked brow before taking a drink of his dark roast coffee.  Bucky smirked before turning his attention back to the phone conversation, "Okay, thank you so much.  Uh huh, bye."

Steve took another drink of his coffee and asked, "The mechanic?"

"Yup," Bucky nodded, confirming.  Bucky watched as Steve drank his coffee and Bucky's face scrunched in distaste as he told Steve, "You sure you don't want any sugar or creamer?  It's mint-chip flavor."

"I'm sure," Steve reassured Bucky with a chuckle.  Gesturing towards Bucky's cellphone, Steve asked, "What did the mechanic say?"

Bucky raked his hand through his brown locks and told Steve, "I'm gonna need a new radiator.  But, it's... okay."

"Well," Steve crossed his arms, "Can I give you a lift?"

"That's nice of you to offer," Bucky started and Steve could hear the decline in his tone before he actually said, "But, uh, I already have a ride.  Thank you though."

"Sure," Steve smiled.  Finishing off his coffee, Steve glanced towards the stove.  Unfortunately, the digital clock wasn't set up.  Steve had been hoping to discreetly check the time, but his plan seemed more foiled by every blink of the neon dashes.

"It's almost 8:30," Bucky informed with a sly smirk.  Steve's brows furrowed and Bucky scoffed, "I know that you were checking the time."

Blushing, Steve set the mug down as he explained, "I should get going.  I have work."

"Sure," Bucky agreed, averting his gaze.

The air was tense.  Neither man knew what they should say.  If they should say anything.  Yet, neither of them necessarily wanted this to be the end either.  Not knowing what to say, Steve headed for the door.

Pausing, with his hand hovering over the doorknob, Steve turned back around.  Bucky -- who had slumped in his seat from the time that Steve walked the few feet to the door -- visibly perked as if he was waiting for Steve to say something, causing Steve's chest to briefly tighten.  Biting back his grin, Steve asked, "Would it be alright if I called you?"

"Yeah," Bucky enthusiastically nodded.  Then, realizing that he was coming across too zealous, Bucky blushed and averted his gaze as he gathered himself.  Trying to sound more nonchalant, Bucky rephrased, "That would be, uh, that would be just alright."

"Okay," Steve smiled.  Keeping his gaze on Bucky, Steve turned the doorknob.  However, the chain was linked at the top, causing Steve to jerk the door too harshly while also bumping his shoulder on the door.  Awkwardly, Steve looked up and briefly closed the door to undo the chain.  Blushing, Steve opened the door and told Bucky, "I'll call you later."

Bucky was softly chuckling, but agreed, "Okay."

Once Steve closed the door, he tilted his head back and threw his arms up as if to question why?!  Steve's embarrassed and he can't fathom why Bucky would want to see him again after such a pathetic display of incompetence.  Yet, Steve couldn't help but be grateful that Bucky had agreed.

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now