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Steve spotted Bucky first. Of course, he did. Steve had been watching for Bucky ever since the performers took their last bow and the club closed. Not wanting to seem too eager, Steve didn't try to get Bucky's attention right away. Instead, Steve stood off to the side while the rest of their friends praised Bucky's impressive choreography.

"It took a lot of," Bucky was saying, his eyes roaming over the small crowd that was still in the club. When Bucky's gaze landed on Steve's, Bucky paused. Steve had been worrying his lower lip and when he noticed that Bucky had spotted him, Steve removed his teeth from his bottom lip. A smile stretched Steve's mouth, causing Bucky to grin as well.

Tony was waiting for Bucky to finish his statement and prompted the young brunet, "It took a lot of... muscles?"

Pepper playfully rolled her eyes and some of their other friends laughed at that. Bucky, blinking and trying to focus his attention back on the people he was talking to. With a smirk, Bucky decided against questioning what was so funny. Instead, he let out a small chuckle before turning his attention back to Steve. Steve gave him a slight shrug as if to say, who the hell knows?

"What's the plan now?" Clint loudly asked, trying to get the group's attention.

"Mel's?" Laura suggested their usual hang out spot of the diner down the street.

Sam had his arm wrapped around Wanda's shoulders when Sam whined, "I wanna go dancing."

"That sounds fun," Tony agreed while Clint teased, "You just got done dancing."

"I like to dance, okay?" Sam playfully asked.

"What do ya say?" Sharon questioned, taking Steve's large hand in hers while resting her chin on his broad shoulder.

Steve snapped his attention from Bucky to look down at Sharon. His brows arched and he hummed, "Hmm?"

Sharon shook her head and playfully rolled her eyes while smiling, "Dancing, Steve. What do ya say?"

"Uh," Steve looked over at Bucky, but Bucky was looking down at the ground. Steve's brows furrowed briefly and he mumbled, "Sure, I guess."

Knowing that something was wrong, Sharon was concerned, but she also knew that she shouldn't bring attention to it. So, instead, Sharon smiled and tugged at Steve's hand as the group started to leave Kismet.

Trying to hang back to be around Bucky, Steve slowed his stance. However, as they stood rather close together in the back of the group, Steve had no idea what to say. They had been sexting nearly every day since their last date, but now, Steve had no idea what to say. Glancing over at Bucky, Steve wasn't even sure if Bucky would want him to say anything. Bucky seemed preoccupied with his phone and the other conversations in the group.

Deciding that it was now or never, Steve cleared his throat and softly complimented Bucky, "You were phenomenal up there tonight."

"Yeah?" Bucky asked with an easy grin and a quirked brow.

"Yeah," Steve confirmed, briefly biting his lower lip. Bashful with the thought of what Steve would like to do with Bucky, Steve turned his attention to the ground before Bucky could see his face turn red.

Of course, Bucky caught Steve blushing anyway and Bucky couldn't fight the grin on his face. Yet, something made Bucky's stomach twist and he forced himself to ask, "What did your girlfriend think?"

Steve snapped his attention to Bucky and with a heavy furrowed brow, Steve asked, "Girlfriend?"

Bucky gestured towards the front of the group where Sharon's arm was linked with Laura's while she laughed at something that Pepper said. Bucky confirmed, "The pretty blonde."

Rude Boy: Blue Series 1 (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Modern California AU)Where stories live. Discover now