Jeno pulls me aside "noona we appreciate this, they don't talk much, we aren't good with meeting new people" I nod understanding him and push him inside "good luck, look for me in lunch if you have any questions" he nods and joins the rest of the boys in class. 

I walk into class and give my teacher the excuse to leave class and sit next to Joohyun and Suho, they look at me in concern, Suho clears his throat "um y/n I'm sorry we left you" I nod glaring at him "It's fine but don't do that again or you'll see what's coming" he nods trying not to look scared in front of  Joohyun. 

Joohyun looks over at me with curiosity written all over her face "so what did they say?" I furrow my eyebrows "they wanted me to show them around" I stop for a moment and realize what haad just happened "I got invited to Johheon's party tonight" I suddenly say earning a gasp from the both of them. 

Before they said anything the bell rang about what I had just said, I got my stuff and walked out with Suho and Joohyun trailing after me like little duckling trailing after their mother "how?" I shrug my shoulders and say "i don't know it just happened" 

Joohyun hugs me tightly now with a look of concern "your parents?" I gasp, they would never let me go out for a party. "Tell them you are studying with me and Suho" she says walking off with him. Wow she must of really wanted me to socialize with other people other than her and her boyfriend once in my four years of high school.

*After School*

An expensive-looking car pulls up in front of me as i'm trying to walk back home after school, the windows roll down to reveal Taeyong he smiles "get in baby girl" I quietly nod and get in the car with him. My mind is yelling at me not to get in, but for some reason I did. 

I decide to pull up my phone to text my parents. 

mom I will be home late <3 :y/n

mom: why? 

I have to study with Joo and Suho for a project :y/n

mom: oh ok take care and have fun <3

mom: will you be sleeping over? 

i'm not sure yet, probably not :y/n

mom: hmm...alright then but please don't go out

I nod to myself as I close the phone, Taeyong had been looking at me the entire time smiling "Yah what's so funny" he smiles "nun you're just cute" I blush and look down. "Hey why are you calling me baby girl?" I ask, of course he shouldn't call me that since we only just met. 

He just chuckles, "because I want to make you mine someday" I freeze at his response as I feel my cheeks burning.

Once we arrive at Jooheon's house there are 20 other boys waiting for us, including the boys I showed around school earlier today. Taeyong gets out and opens the door for me, he walks me to the rest of the boys with a stern look on his face. 

One of the boys whispers something in his ear as he nod, the same boy looks at me and smiles "Oh you must be his date" I nervously giggle "friend" he nods "My name is Ten and that's Johnny" he says pointing at a tall looking figure making his way over to us. He greets me with a charming smile, "so what's your name" Johnny says, "Oh right my name is y/n" I say as he nods.

All of us head to the party, Jeno makes his way to me and stops me with a worried look on his face "noona you shouldn't be here" he pulls me closer whispering "it's dangerous" my smile fades once he says that, I know I shouldn't be here but my heart wants to follow Taeyong I find his presence alluring. 

"why?" I ask as we head to the snack bar to get some food, Jooheon's friends had just finished preparing Jeno whispers something in my ear "something is about to happen" I gulp and look down at my plate of food as Taeyong walks up to us and gives Jeno a signal to leave. Is Taeyong really a dangerous person to be around.

Before I finished eating Taeyong suddenly holds my hand tightly "y/n, hold on to me tightly and you have to trust me" This is confusing and alarming but he's the reason why I'm here so I have no choice but to trust him. 

The lights go out everything is pitch black and everyone's scream of panic fills the room Taeyong and I start running, he yells at one of the boys "Johnny start the engine" there's sounds of car engines going off. He takes out some night vision goggles and puts it on me as he and I make our way to the doors. 

Once we get in Taeyong's car I take off the goggles watching him take out a speaker "Johnny, Yuta, get the car and get out of there fast the police are on their way" a second later, an expensive-looking car flies over us with Johnny and Yuta inside. They were smiling brightly, I couldn't help but smile since they looked pretty amazing doing that.

Followed by them all other boys including Taeyong trail after, he holds my hand "brace yourself princess this is the ride of your life" I wasn't unsure about all this but I have to trust him all the way until I get home.

Soon all of them are being chased by the police, through the speaker Doyoung and Ten "split up so it can be easier to get away" just who the hell are these guys.

I look behind me and all the cars that were with us slowly started to split up one by one sending the police cars all in different directions. Taeyong and I were still being chased by a few cops just what was happening, we reach a bridge that the police are surrounding but he isn't slowing down instead he is going faster. "Yah, we are going to fall into the water" I say panicking as he just nods. "I told you to trust me didn't I" he says moving his wheel in all different directions. Once we reach the tip of the bridge he hits the breaks and the reverse level taking us in a different direction from the police. This guy just out ran the police. 

After awhile everyone makes it back to a garage looking building where I guess they keep their cars, all of them get out of their cars smiling and smirking feeling proud of themselves. Mark approaches me he doesn't seem too happy though "she is one of us now" Taeyong just shrugs. 

"It's up to her is she wants to be a part of this" 




that's the first chapter hope you liked it

i tried my best to edit it

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