{Chapter 12: Mom}

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The bus stops at exactly 5:15, and when it does I instantly take off, forgetting to bid Soobin good bye. I run to the house as fast as my feet could take me. Thank goodness I wore my running shoes today.

When I get to the house, it's fully lit. A surprise, to be honest. I take a deep breath and open the door. It let out an eerie creek. I whisper, but loud enough for the whole room to hear. "I'm home."

"Right over here, sweetie." A voice echoes from the kitchen. I heave a sigh of relief.

I take off my shoes and place it neatly on the rack. I throw my shoulder bag to the sofa, and head straight to the kitchen. Mom's back is facing me as she chops vegetables. She dabs at her cheeks and sniffles, as if she's been crying. Oh, no.

"Mom." I call out. "What happened?"

"Oh, nothing!" She answers, surprised by my presence. "You know your father. He's been out drinking again and he finds out you're not here yet... I-I had to..."

She was in the verge of tears. Again. I couldn't help but feel the same thing. I walk forward to hug her. She sobs, yet still manages to laugh. She finally turns her tear-stained face to me. "Now, tell me, where have you been?"

Anger washes over me as I notice the bruise on her left cheek. But seeing that I can't do anything about it, that anger vanishes and sadness just replaces it. 

I whisper. "Mom, why can't we just leave?"

"You know we can't." She lets out a sullen laugh. "You have to finish you studies and I have a job—"

"Once I finish this school year." I make a deal. I hold on to her hands. "Once I do, please promise me. You deserve a better life, Mom. We do."

She opens her mouth, but nothing comes out. There's a look in her eyes. Like she wants it too. But instead, she answers. 

"I'll think about it." I let go of her hand and she turns back, continuing to chop the vegetables. I take the stairs and head straight to my room. 

You see, I don't have what most families do. We might be complete, but never did we once felt happy around each other. This is why I was so cautious when I went home early, I didn't want to stumble upon my drunken father. This is why I left once they were asleep to go out to Taehyun's parties. This is why... I needed to find a way out of it.

For fifteen years, I have suffered through the pain of seeing new cuts and wounds all over my mother's body. And I will never, ever get used to it.

I shouldn't have thought about that idea in school. I shouldn't have gone with Soobin.


He should never find out about this. Not him, not Beomgyu— not anyone. As on cue, the screen of my phone lights up. I wipe at my cheeks. I didn't realize I have been crying this whole time. I typed in my password and a message pops up. It's from Soobin.

Soobin 💕
Hey. Are you alright?

Of course, duh. I'm fine.

I sniffle, dabbing at the inner corner of my eyes. Things will get better tomorrow. Don't lose hope, self. I tap another message on the screen.

I'm sorry I made you
worry earlier.

Soobin 💕
It's okay. That's what friends do.

I leave him at seen. I pressed down on the power button, shutting off my phone. Then from the corner of my eye, I glance at the crown ring. A smile uncontrollably forms on my mouth. Soobin is so thoughtful. Then I slap myself. Soobin, my friend, is so thoughtful. Yeah, that's all he ever is and ever will be.

But I can't help regretting my choice of gift for Soobin, though. I mean, really? A set of perfume? LAME. I pick up my phone again, and type in a reply.

I'll see you tomorrow. This friend
is tired from the shopping spree.

Soobin 💕
Good night.

Oh, who am I kidding? I'll never get over my feelings for Soobin. To be honest, it's a whole lot worse now that we became close. All because of that 24-hour dare. I pull up my sheets and stared at the ceiling. It was only a matter of second until I feel my eyelids drooping.

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