Thank you

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An unexpected update 3 years later wow. Essentially I just want to continue to thank everyone who is still reading. That is if you ever read this.

I have many issues myself with this book but I won't ever be the author to take it down just cause. It's finished and I want to leave it in my past. But I also want to just edit the monkeys out of it. We'll see.

Back to the original note from 2019 me.


This chapter is basically a massive Author's note. 

If you have not come to the conclusion already, this is officially the end of ChenGuang story. 

I know some of you are probably going to hate me for this. Hate me for finishing this story on such a note, on such a tragedy. But the truth is that this is the end I came to. It wasn't a rushed thought, rather I thought about doing it for a long long time. Finally coming to the conclusion yesterday evening that it was time to put it into place.

I was inspired to write it based on the current world events. This ending is only pegged on by the events going on around us. To all those lost in the recent shootings, I did not know you personally but your lives were harshly taken from this world too soon.

In America alone last year, 2018, 113 children were killed in school shootings. They did not choose to leave the earth this way. They did not choose to die. Someone chose on their behalf. And this topic though harsh, though raw is something we should never forget about.

Never forget about those who do not have a choice. This is for them. 

Please be aware that I will miss writing for ChenGuang she was one of the characters I am most proud of. I generally felt sadness whilst writing the last two chapters of the book. But I hope she got the send off she deserved. She deserved the several hours it took for her ending to come to a proper point in time. 

Therefore I am taking this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for reading. For commenting and for making this journey worth taking. For giving me inspiration to write. For ignoring the many spelling and grammatical mistakes in my work. And for believing in me when I couldn't believe in myself. 

You guys are the reason I continue to write. I never thought I would continue this whilst at university yet here I am seven months in continuing this.

I would like to take this opportunity for not finishing any requests you guys might have had on this book. They didn't fit in with my story line and I hope that doesn't stop you from continuing to read the other books in this series.

A final thank you all.

And a final goodbye to Wu ChenGuang.



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